Harsh and clean vocals at the same time


Active Member
Feb 9, 2006
great southern wasteland
I love it when bands use harsh and clean vocals at the same time. It creates such great dynamics and intensity. I think the love may have started many years ago when listening to Soundgarden's Superunknown album where Chris Cornell overdubbed his semi-screams over his normal singing voice. I always thought that was really cool. But what I'm really looking for is something similar to the following:

Ne Obliviscaris (who probably do this better than anyone)
Arcturus (on 'Radical Cut' with the dual vocals between Garm and Ihsahn)
some Borknagar songs

These are obviously all melodic BM but don't limit yourself to that genre. Anything that has that kind of vocal interplay. No thrash though :cool: thanks
Dimmu Borgir - Spiritual Black Dimensions

Shagrath and Vortex combine a couple times on that album.

Limbonic Art do it a few times on their first two albums.
In Flames does that sometimes; I can think of "Only For the Weak." The chorus is mostly screaming, but you can barely make out a hint of melodic singing, which I think makes that chorus perfect. It's my favorite In Flames song.

I'd say Amorphis as well, although they don't always sing the same lines together; but they do have a few songs where they overlap frequently, especially on the new albums. They do it awesome on the song "The Smoke."
Dragonforce! (only on the new album, only sometimes, this is mostly a joke)
Bal Sagoth at some points
Dark Tranquility + In Flames at some points
Dragonforce was already mentioned as a joke. There are subtle harsh backing vocals at a couple points on the album, but overall a ridiculous recommendation...
I know all the bands listed so far except Christ Agony and Catamenia so I will check them out. Catamenia is a band I've been meaning to listen to for a whole. Any album recs?

Dark Tranquillity don't use dual vocals btw.
at some points they do...

the stuff off the new album is all I've heard, but it's very cool, plenty of dual vocals.
I really like the vocals for The Project Hate MCMXCIX, nice use of death growls, clean male vocals, and clean female vocals.
I know all the bands listed so far except Christ Agony and Catamenia so I will check them out. Catamenia is a band I've been meaning to listen to for a whole. Any album recs?

Dark Tranquillity don't use dual vocals btw.

Make sure to get Christ Agony's first 3 albums, all the others aren't that great. Their fourth album probably has the most clean vocals, but they harsh vocals on it are less than decent.