Best Armored Saint album

Which is the best?

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I own March Of the Saint and Raising Fear. Found Delirious Nomad in the used CD shop and will pick it up when I can afford it, unless someone else buys it. My favourite song on March Of The Saint is Mutiny on the World and for Raising Fear, Saturday Night Special.
I'm relatively new to this band, but I must say I was pretty impressed with what I heard, Not sure if I have a favorite Album yet. So far REALLY enjoy the tracks Reign of Fire, Can U Deliver, & Raising Fear. all from diff albums. So :p
Win Hands Down is a great record. Hard to pick a best Saint record because every album has so many great tracks and they are all different as far as variety. Mos, Delirious, and Raising Fear are all killer though but Reign of Fire was the first Saint track I ever heard.
March of the Saint since there are knights in shining armor present on the artwork in a very unique way!