The not-quite-official ARMORED SAINT STREET TEAM


Feb 2, 2002
Okay, since this Phoenix gig is just a one time deal, who would like to make an Armored Saint and/or a Scorpions/Armored Saint flyer for those in Phoenix to use to promote this?
Also, if you live in Phoenix and want to use said flyers, send me a private message.
I have contacted John Bush and Joey Vera about this. But this is a completely freelance Saint promo thingy. If you're a tr00 fan of Armored Saint, you'll help spread the news of this one time event.
So, show me the flyer!*

*I'd make one but I suck at art.
I am in the Phoenix Metro and will sure as shit toss some flyers! No talent in the art department but hook me up with a printable I am out there :rock:
LuvataciousSkull said:
I've got a few sketches done now. I may start on finishes later tonight. :)
Right on Mark! Thank you. Don't work too hard though. It's freelance work, remember?
Thrax, how long till we get an official A.S team going?
If A.S. decide to do a US tour, or a new album we will be there. We'll do what we did for Anthrax. I'll contact you all if Armored Saint does what they fucking better do: New Album and Tour!!! *crosses fingers*
ThraxDude said:
If A.S. decide to do a US tour, or a new album we will be there. We'll do what we did for Anthrax. I'll contact you all if Armored Saint does what they fucking better do: New Album and Tour!!! *crosses fingers*

Count me in dude:worship:
Tomorrow, you lucky bastards, don´t forget to fucking TAPE the show and whoever gets to meet John, ask him shitloads of questions!