Tales Of The Armored Knights!!!


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May 3, 2001
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of course i should be on my way to my buds house when i see this forum is finally on the list, so i cant leave til i get my 1st real post up!!!

so, the point of this thread is to post any of your ARMORED stories, whether it's about shtuff when ya saw um or heard um or whatever.

since i got a zillion of SAINT stories, but only 2 braincells that arent burnt my recall doesnt allways come in order... but i remember first discovering the band.

1983 or 84 i went to a record store called Recycled Records in
hermosa beach with one of my best buds neighbors named Dary who was bassist for a local group in them days called deciever. we were diggin through the used records and he told me i should buy this record-the ARMORED SAINT ep. i bought it and listened to the 3 songs quite a bit and that was pretty much that.

until awhile later!

1984 mtv was still playing their new wave stuff, the first heavy metal mania with dee snider hosting wasnt until 1985. mtv was catching on quick though, so there was video programs popping up all over the regular commercial tv channels-mostly playing nena's 99 luft balloons! one los angeles tv station on channel 22 had a video show that was 3 hours long every weekday. it was called video 22 :loco: mixed in with all the required video filler then were metal videos! after you sat through the mtv staples, pat benetar and police and duranduran and huey lewis and billy idol, youd get a couple metal video's!
one day they had special guests in the studio-ARMORED SAINT!!! they talked about their new album (MARCH OF THE SAINT) and their upcomeing show (i believe that was when they were openning for saxon) and they talked about breaking the reflectors off a street sign to put on johns costume.

L.A.\Hollywood might have been the happening place for metal then, but ARMORED was us L.A. kids first and last metal band! sure there was the crue and wasp and a zillion others. those bands wernt like us! ARMORED was the first and only time we saw a band that sounded, looked and acted like they could be one of our buds playing that music.

now 20 years later everyone in the band has other projects and some people might think of ARMORED SAINT as another band the guys are in.
with all due respect, none of those bands will ever compare to

ARMORED SAINT isnt about following the current trends to increase sales. they dont have any st. anger or dance of death. ARMORED SAINT is ARMORED SAINT and they prove that great kick ass extra hard rock is timeless!
john is in anthrax
joey is in fates warning
jeff is with his brothers in dc4 and does a few shows with odin.
gonzo and phil are in life after death and monster G

everyone is real busy.

i would prefer ARMORED SAINT would be the only thing everyone worked on. things arent allways as good as they sound though! being in other bands has given them the freedom to only do what they want with ARMORED SAINT. now they can come back to AS with the sole intent of makeing the kind of ass kicking music only ARMORED SAINT can and they dont have to conform to any pressure to change their sound.

when Revelation came out it wasn't just the return of ARMORED SAINT. it was the return of great straight forward METAL! of course it would be nice to get more & faster, but if it is a choice between haveing to wait or not getting to hear ARMORED make the kind of music i love again, i would rather wait.

[font=Arial,Helvetica]I've been waiting here for you all[/font]
[font=Arial,Helvetica]What took you so long[/font]

dont want this one to die before i get to see anybody elses storys!

1stly after giveing it some thought (aint easy to do with so many burnt braincells!)
the show the band was talking about on video 22 must of been the percadin palace show.

so whatcha wanna hear about? me hurling after drinking some of the champaign from the bottle the band tossed to the crowd on new years. my drunkass grabbing
john bush in the beerline at an L.A. guns show and every time he tried to leave i grabbed his jacket and pulled him back "GONZO" gonzo was the smart one-when i jumped out he went the other way and didnt look back when john yelled for him:loco:

how about the show i got most battered. i think it was the last socal show before the split up. it was at a gay bar called bananas. dont ask me why they were haveing metal shows at a gay bar-i guess there wasnt enough boners that month. they played at another gay bar once too in west hollywood called exposure 54-that one was a riot! all the guys were ugly so i left my bf home fer nothin:loco: but there was alot of women at that show and i guess a couple were tired of getting stomped on by guys trying to mosh-they were karate chopping any guys that bumped into um and fucking um up!:loco:

oh well, back to banana's... everyone was totally ignoreing the openning bands so i got my spot up front and waited til the real deal started. i didnt dodge a stage dive fast enough and got kicked in the head and got my ear split and a bigass knot. when they played madhouse of course everyone lived up to it and i got rammed into the stage riser and got a couple bruised ribs and a bruise all the way across my chest. the best part though... i had this nasty ingrown toenail i had to have cut out a few times and had laser surgery on another time but it would allways grow back even though it wasnt supposed to and the shit was all infected again and i was getting ready to have laser surgery on it again. the slightest bump on my big toe hurt like all hell and would squirt puss everywhere... some shitstain in cowboy boots stomped my toe and the place was so packed i couldnt even look down at my foot. when the show ended and i could see my shoe it was full of blood-the fucker popped my toe! i could barely walk for a couple weeks but it fixed my toe!!! no laser surgery and ive never had a problem with it again!

we crawled accross the street to 7-11 to get some water. it was so packed and hot that im drenched head to toe with sweat. the guy at 7-11 asks me why everyones all wet. i told him we just saw the ARMORED SAINT show it was hotter than shit... "but how'd you get all wet?" it's sweat. "but how did you get all wet? was everyone swimming?" GIMME MY FUCKIN WATER!!!
OK, here's my Armored tale:

I first took notice of the band when their second album Delirious Nomad received raving reviews in the German Metal press.
I bought the album and got all their other albums as well.
Armored Saint is one of the very few bands that never disappointed me musically - they CAN DELIVER!
I was really sad when they disbanded and I bought Joey's solo album (which is quite average IMHO), John's Anthrax albums (good but nowhere near Armored Saint) and Life After Death's debut CD (Great! If you like Thin Lizzy, you'll love this album!).
I too would prefer Armored Saint to be the boys main profession, but what the heck, we don't live in a perfect world, and I'm glad that Armored Saint are still around.
The only time I have seen Armored Saint live was an outdoor Thrash Metal festival in Vienna on June 10th 2000 with Testament and Slayer headlining.
Unfortunately almost every member of the audience only cared for Thrash or Death Metal and so I had the impression that I was the only one who enjoyed the Saint's gig. Sound problems didn't help either.
Armored Saint started with Pay Dirt (Killer!) and played a lot of their fast songs like Mad House and Chemical Euphoria.
The audience response was rather lukewarm :yell:
But I had the time of my life :headbang:
Next to the audience area was a building with a balcony (where the backstage location was, I think) and I've seen the Armored Saint guys throwing stuff down into the audience. When they saw that I was trying to make my way through the audience towards them to catch some of their goodies they got very enthusiastic and tried to throw in my direction. I managed to catch a giant ARMORED SAINT bumper sticker and I remember Phil Sandoval being happy for me and giving me a big thumbs up :)
I wasn't able to speak to the guys or get some autographs but I will always remember this moment, which brings a smile to my face everytime I think about it.
Ah, yes, the famous Armored Saint bumper stickers...they must have ordered a truck-load of those things at some time past and are still giving them away today. I must have 20-30 of the damn things acquired through the years.

Been into AS ever since I heard Can You Deliver on Charlie Kendall's Metal Shop (remember that?). I swear, I got my intro to so many bands on that show due to their Fresh Metal segment (Armored Saint, Kick Axe, Fates Warning, Helloween, Fifth Angel, White Wolf, Grim Reaper, etc., etc.).

Anyway, bought the EP and March Of The Saint as a result and been a fan ever since. Stories about the 'Saint...?...hmm...

Met John Bush on the SoS tour, asked him for an interview for a college project. Was taking a Mass Communications course and assigned to do a case-study on someone who interacts (in some fashion) with the general public. John took me very seriously, brought me onto the bus, ate some celery, had a Perrier, had a long-ass interview, talked about the band, the business, personal life, everything. Talked about a lot of shit...way too much to go into here, but what a great guy. That was 13-14 years ago, and I've always wanted to meet him again to tell him I got an "A", just to see if he'd remember (doubtful), but my timing must suck. Everytime I've seen Saint or Anthrax and gone backstage, John's either already asleep or hurt his back or something.

Last time I saw the Saint was at a renovated movie theater opening up for George Lynch, then Dio. Was right up front...only about 300 people in the crowd, already sporting my new Revelations shirt, but what got us noticed was that I made my wife wear my old SoS shirt (still looked good, but it was always small). It looked great on her (little girl, big tits). The band was onstage and pointing at her, which was cool, cuz they knew as well as we did that it was a 10 year old shirt (at the time), and in Corpus Christi fucking Texas (a cultural void for Chrissakes!).

Anyway...hung out with Gonzo and Joey after the show...very nice, very gracious...autographs all around (and more bumperstickers). The real cool clincher to that story was when (3 months later) we walked into this shithole (but very cool) Sports Bar in Houston, (about 200 miles away and 8 hours early) for the Savatage and Fates Warning show. Joey was hanging out, shooting pool, waiting for soundcheck in the next room. My wife and I walked in, and he just looked at us and said, "I know you guys, but you don't live here do you?" Before we could say anything, he said, "You live in Corpus, don't you? Holy shit, did you just drive here?" Time on the road doesn't really bother me and I figure it sure doesn't bother a traveling musician, but he remembered who we were (again...always travel with a hot girl, big tits, and people remember), where we lived and was so impressed. Anyway, we shot pool, watched both bands do their soundchecks (like a private show). Had a salad and chicken-fried steak with Johnny Lee, Jack, and Damond from Savatage and Mark from Fates. First time to meet and hear Damond...told him we had read up on his bio...he was impressed, also very nervous about filling Zak's shoes (at the time).

Anyway...I'm digressing, but all of this was due to Joey, introducing us around, treating us like part of the family...all because we were dedicated, I guess. Showing up at 3pm for a show that didn't start for 8 hours. It wasn't like we were camped outside, we hung out inside, shot pool, drank beer, had a meal, hung out with the band, and before the bouncers let the public in, we were told to get up to the stage...very cool!

Alright...long story...enough babbling...but suffice it so say that what everyone has been saying is true. Armored Saint were pioneers of a different breed. Creative, inventive, but real people....and the nicest guys you'd ever want to meet (all of them). It's guys like them that give the music industry a better reputation.

Rock on!
hopefully this works since it was only supposed to be hosted for 30 days and just started working again...


i know it's backwards, i still aint got my scanner hooked up. when i do i'll show ya the autograph i got from joey on his solo cd-that's an inch high in half out of ink ballpoint pen:loco:

that of course is the booklet center of the original SOS release. the lawndale guitar center (lawndale is a city in socal-where i live) in conjunction with the SOS tour and such was giveing away a prs guitar with pheonix inlays and such just like the one Dave and Phil played (same guitar? i donno!). Phil and Jeff were both there for the promotion and i got um both to sign it for me.
great stories guys!
ashaman7122 vbmenu_register("postmenu_2486059", true); -ya know i can clearly hear the mmmetal shop in my head, but that's about it! i dont even remember what day it is unless i look at what it says on my underwear! sorry about taken so long with the reply. ive been haveing shit happenin and havent been able to spend much serious time here yet, but im gonna be giveing it some more time and try getting some more accurate info for folks questions.

i appreciate the "babbleing" that's why i put this thread up here-i want to hear other folks storys. nobody can babble half as much as i can!

most of all, thanks for your last paragraph. ARMORED SAINT is proof that there is still a place for real people and real music in the music business-and everyone else sucks big hairy ass!

this is my book from joeys cd, and that little ball point scratch is actually joeys autograph. he put on a free show at the coconut teaser in holywad when the cd came out. i didnt know there was going to be a pop quiz so i didnt bring a #2 pencil to write with, so when i asked him to sign it after he said "youre the one!" the one what... "the one person who bought it!" :loco: he went looking for a pen to sign it with. he found 3 different ball points and none of um wanted to write on the booklet paper.
i'll get a better one when they do a show fer the new dvd-cuz if i dont i'll stalk um til i get one! :loco:

My first time of discovering The Saint was in 84. It was Quiet Roit/Whitesnake and what I thought was to be Grim Reaper. I get in the venue and see the Armored Saint banner and I was thinking "WHo the hell are these guys?!?!?" I was expecting Grim Reaper. Saint takes the stage and just killed. Just blew me away. I ran into some friends on the way out after the show and before I could say anything my buddy screams "Did you see that first band!?!?!" The five of us saw them just about every time they came into town. The last time they played here it was on my 30th birthday. All five of us were there. Needless to say it was a kick-ass birthday.
cool stuff boss!
after they were signed i went to dam near every la show they ever did, but i dont know alot about their shows other places. something i do know...
1987 was the hell on wheels tour with ARMORED SAINT 2nd & grim reaper headlineing & helloween openning. they did some east coast shows, hard to believe their was actually a night that mtv was great, the cleveland show was aired without being censored. then halfway through the tour grim reaper ended the tour & they disbanded.
as if that would stop ARMORED SAINT!!!
ARMORED SAINT decided they were gonna complete the tour anyway. people had the option of getting a refund or seeing ARMORED SAINT kick ass! helloween got bumped up to 2nd billing and heretic was added as openning band (heretics vocalist was mike howe who left right after that to join metal church)
so... i didnt get to see grim reaper either, i got to see a much better band that night
THe Hell on Wheels tour was supposed to play here in Chicago. A couple days before the show it got cancelled. Something that had to do with Helloween if I remember. Anyway, What I didn't know until it was too late was that AS and GR moved the show to a smaller venue(The Thristy Whale bar). So I got really screwed that night. But on a happy note. AS came back about a year later for Saints Will Conquer. Got right up front took a few pictures and caught a Dave Prichard guitar pick(still have it). If someone can tell me how to post pictures here I'll put them up.

Damn BEAST, I would have loved to see Heretic. Mike Howe is a fantastic singer. I wonder what happened to him.
they changed venues here too. originally it was going to be at the hollywood palladium then was moved to the hollywood palace. im not sure but i think the palladium holds about 5000 & the palace about 4000. sales with grim reaper were very poor, but after it was anounced as ARMORED SAINT & helloween it sold out.
here it was easy to know the venues & line up had changed. knac (105.5 before it became knac.com) promoted the show alot AFTER grim reaper was gone.
there used to be a music magazine here called BAM that was a throw away at all the records stores around. the last page of the magazine was called molten metal & was writen by a guy named jon sutherland who was/is a major ARMORED SAINT fan & anytime anything was happening with the band he wrote about it (which is why he wrote the liner notes for the 3cd reissue of SOS) so i allways kept an eye on his column so i would know if anything was happening with the band.

mike howe, when i wrote the last post i was wondering the exact same thing so i searched to find out what he was doing now & the only thing semi current i could find was on the metal church sites history page it said he was asked to join when the band reformed but had to decline because of current obligations. just an assumption on my part of course, but when they make a point to mention he was asked to join but make a point to avoid saying what the "obligations" were, it makes me think he has a job at jiffy lube & he cant afford to risk loseing his $8 an hour for the unreliable income from music.
... i also saw him in metal church at a club that used to be in anaheim called "jezebels". that show was excellent! heretic was decent but they were only half as good as metal church-mike included. in metal church he was great but the stupid poses & faces he would make in heretic were annoying.

it's 23:30 & i have jury duty in the morning and havent even got my clothes in the drier yet, so maybe i should quit with the million word post.

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I got into Armored Saint round about 1988 when a friend lent me Raising Fear. I vividly remember doing some really boring part-time work while I was at Uni listening to Symbol Of Salvation repeatedly round about 91/2.

Gutted when they split as I'd never seen them live!

First time I heard John Bush sing live was with Anthrax while I was on holiday in the USA. Saw them at Florida State Fairgrounds, Tampa on 12 Aug 1993. Seen them many times since.

Was very pleased when I heard they were recording Revelation and more so when they got confirmed for Wacken 2000, since I was going. Great experience. We went on a week long road trip from England through Europe, taking in Wacken in the middle. Driving down German Autobahn's at ridiculous, but entirely legal, speeds listening to the Saint!

Armored Saint played the first full day, 4 Aug 2000. They played the second biggest stage, the Black Stage, I believe sandwiched between performances by Stratovarius and Iced Earth on the main stage. One of the performances of the weekend. The band seemed well up for it and I loved their no s**t attitude, just pumping out the classics. Couldn't believe I was actually finally seeing them.

Other than seeing John with Anthrax, I saw Joey Vera playing for Seven Witches as support to Annihilator in London, 13 May 2002. I remember standing right at the front, in front of Joey constantly turning to my mate and saying "bass god!".

I really hope if the Anthrax reunion occurs Armored Saint also get back together.
I first heard the Saint watching that very concert that they filmed for MTV with Helloween, Grim Reaper and Grave Digger. I remember when MTV used to play entire concerts on Saturday nights. I forget what the series was called.... I also saw the Twisted Sister one from Stay Hungry that they aired, but that's another story.

As far as live, I got to see the saint on the Symbol of Salvation tour with Wrathchild Amercia and Last Crack supporting when they came thru Houston. What an amazing show! First time I ever saw Doug Pinnick in public, as well. Who would've known that he and I would become great friends a year later under different circumstances!
I also saw Saint on the Revelations tour twice. On one occasion the club completely fucked up and had the band advertised as Armored Saint from Germany!! John had a good laugh with that one onstage that night. The other instance I saw them in Austin and Jason McMaster of Watchtower/ex-Dangerous Toys got on stage and did Madhouse and Can You Deliver with them.