best book to buy on a friday when it's cold

no way! THROUGH THE LOOKING GLASS all the way man.
and i just heard that my boss is going to be in court all morning. so like, i am gonna read and stuff.
i also got the book 'wasted' by marya hornbacher at the request of my boss since she loved it. i never read 'personal accounts of recovery' type books so it'll be a new one for me. i think maybe i will read the iliad over the weekend. i am in a BOOK FUNK. i usually read 2-3 books a week and i havent read any books in a month at least except one science book about attentional processing and a macrobiotic cookbook.
also, for anyone who hasn't already read this, i STRONGLY recoomend this book. it is one of my favorites (out of like, 20 other favorites... but still) it rules.

confederacy has been recommended to me so many times. alas.

i saw a short documentary piece by Andrei Codrescu once; alas.

another book recommendation for a frosted day:
