by far the best computer game ever!

I'm not an Opeth-board regular, but I just had to post on this kind of topic.

How can you people forget UFO - Enemy Unknown? (I think it's by the name xcom in us.) It was/is the best ever.

my other favs:
-Baldur's Gate - series
Warren Spector rules !!!


Hidden & Dangerous

can´t await Mafia and H&D II

Unreal Tournament for Multiplayer
Alice? best game ever?
i played the demo and it seemed remarkably like you just walk a few steps to the next little video sequence then do something really simple or stupid and then walk to the next little video sequence.. It didnt challenge my intellect at all

Age of Empires 2.... my favourite game of all time
Worms (all of them).... love them all, what a classic
Unreal Tournament... my favourite multiplayer 3d shooter
Half-Life... my favourite single player 3d shooter

games that hold my interest longest are stupid little games like solitaire, or Kyodai (mahjongg?) and such
all of you are wrong! the best games are:
-Super Mario
-DX ball (the first! the second sux...)

and if we talking about new games:
- Urban Choas
- Max Payne
- GTA 3
pah, duke nukem 3d was by far the greatest game ever, not only were online games not dependent on who had the fastest connection but there were strippers!

it wasn't dependant on having a good modem, but it used go out of sink of 5 minutes if you had more than 4 ppl was class tho, just needed better net coding...

transfixed...i still play Q1 as well (team fortress), but counter-strike lame? are you perhaps insane?

Voice of god: i forgot all about UFO, that was effing class too (XCOM was the sequal...which wasn't as good)...made by Jullian Collop(sp?) the same guy who was responsible for RebelStar and Lords of Choas about 8 years before...too of the best and most orginal games ever made...
Originally posted by The_Wanderer

If you liked max payne i think you will love Hitman codename:47 By far the best videogame ever

I really like Max Payne.. I'm currently playing it again.. on the 2nd difficulty lvl this time.. and I hate Hitman.. this game sucks.. I'm into action games (FPS mostly) since Q1 came out (1996 I think).. and Hitman is shit.. just felt like mentioning that:)
Originally posted by YaYoGakk
Alice? best game ever?
i played the demo and it seemed remarkably like you just walk a few steps to the next little video sequence then do something really simple or stupid and then walk to the next little video sequence.. It didnt challenge my intellect at all

Age of Empires 2.... my favourite game of all time
Worms (all of them).... love them all, what a classic
Unreal Tournament... my favourite multiplayer 3d shooter
Half-Life... my favourite single player 3d shooter

games that hold my interest longest are stupid little games like solitaire, or Kyodai (mahjongg?) and such

hmm....well alice is mainly focused on puzzles....and if you like games that challenge your intellect than why are worms and UT two of your fav. games?
Originally posted by Mr. Black

transfixed...i still play Q1 as well (team fortress), but counter-strike lame? are you perhaps insane?

well, i had been playing it way too long... i think i started playing around beta 3 or 4
i've just grown tired of it.
plus a lot of the people that play it tend to act like the 31337 hax0r type, and it annoys the hell out of me.
the only time i play it is if i'm LANning with some people and they all happen to want to play.
i'll admit though, it still does have it's moments... :)