Best Budget Interface


Apr 21, 2014
Montreal, Canada
Any suggestions on affordable but good quality interface? Funny enough, I am shopping for my bandmate...

You see, we practice at his place, since he's got a house, while I am in an apartment. That's also where we record our guitar tracks and bass tracks. However, he has an old M-Audio FastTrack Pro interface and it doesn't sound great. Therefore, I always have to bring my NI Komplete Audio 6 there, and then bring it back home, and then back there, etc.

So, I'm kinda tired of that way of working and I'm slowly succeeding in convincing him to get a new interface. However, he's kinda cheap (the kind of guy that doesn't change his strings for 8 months) and I think that even my Komplete Audio 6 is perhaps slightly too expensive for him. It sells at around 300 CAD around here.

Any suggestion for stuff in the 200$ price range, with good sound quality (good preamps and converters)? I don't think we need more than 2 inputs. Ideally balanced outputs for monitors, and additional outputs for reamping. Something to plug-in a keyboard could be useful.

Thanks for the suggestions.
I'm very impressed with my Audient ID14 at the moment. I upgraded from a regular-ass Presonus interface a few months ago and the difference was incredible. The converters are top-of-the-line and I absolutely love the JFET DI – it improved my guitar and bass tone vastly (might be cool on keys as well). The only downside is that it only has monitor outs, so maybe it wouldn't serve all your purposes. I'd say move up to the ID22 for the additional features, but at 599 USD that might be out of your price range.
I'm very impressed with my Audient ID14 at the moment. I upgraded from a regular-ass Presonus interface a few months ago and the difference was incredible. The converters are top-of-the-line and I absolutely love the JFET DI – it improved my guitar and bass tone vastly (might be cool on keys as well). The only downside is that it only has monitor outs, so maybe it wouldn't serve all your purposes. I'd say move up to the ID22 for the additional features, but at 599 USD that might be out of your price range.

Seems a bit too much indeed, but thanks anyway for the suggestion. It might actually become a nice replacement for my NI Komplete Audio 6 when I'll feel the need to upgrade for more quality.

I've always thought there was a gap between the price range of my Komplete Audio 6 and say, a RME BabyFace Pro. Like nothing was available in between. The Audient seems to fill that gap.

Forgot to mention though, we're on PC, not Mac. In case somebody was going to mention Apogee stuff (which is only on Mac right?).
I loved ID14 when I got it but after week it started to reject drivers and I have to reinstall them every day when I hook it up again (on 2 PCs and laptop). Also it seems that mine doesn't power up my Samson C01 and C02 but my profire2626 does it without problems. I'll do few tests and send it back on warranty inspection.
ID14 has option to control monitor and headphone out separately
I loved ID14 when I got it but after week it started to reject drivers and I have to reinstall them every day when I hook it up again (on 2 PCs and laptop). Also it seems that mine doesn't power up my Samson C01 and C02 but my profire2626 does it without problems. I'll do few tests and send it back on warranty inspection.
ID14 has option to control monitor and headphone out separately

Mine's been rock solid. Sad to hear that.
It's not powering up your mics even when using the power supply? Because the interface can't provide phantom power with the USB connection alone
I'm pretty sure I used supply because powering with USB gives high pitched buzz with high gain.
It would be first USB interface I see that can't phantom power using USB powering. Few I've used was fast track 8r, steinberg c1 and c2, line6 ux2. And those are budget ones.
Have a Roland quad capture and are very pleased with it. drivers are stable and does it work very good. roland are gonna release a new interface soon named Rubix. check it out.
If you are into cheap zone but want one that simply works - Steinberg Cl1 or Cl2. Tried one of friends and suggested to couple other friends and they work GRATE - no noise and DI is very good, although need to be min gain and clip a hair on hotter pickups (not noticeable).
Oh and drivers have NO ISSUES
OK, my bad it was indeed USB powered when it couldn't phantom power but still, my seems to be faulty because it have problems hard to explain (already discussing with Audient support), but I really loved the first week it worked great.