Best CHEAP and RACK multi-FX


Mar 21, 2010
New York
No floorboards and nothing over $300 used please (otherwise I'd just get individual pedals + a MIDI loop switcher),

-TC G Major/2 is a classic but there are enough reliability complaints that I wouldn't wanna buy one used
-Digitech GSP1101 is a possibility
-Rocktron XPression (had one briefly, barely used it, but liked it)

Am I forgetting any options? All I need it for is 2 patches - one with EQ --> (possibly) comp --> delay; and one with EQ/comp/reverb, so it's quality over quantity of effects I'm looking for (also, since I've given up trying to mod my Rev Jr. to be able to bypass the loop, true bypass on the FX unit is a must)

Also, any suggestions on a 2-4 button compact MIDI foot controller?
Thanks Jeff, I had another look at the GSP1101 and realized it has its own loop, which is pretty damn awesome - it's hard to determine exactly how crazy one can get with the routing though, so maybe you can answer whether this is possible:

Guitar --> GSP1101 --> TS7 in the GSP loop, so it can be enabled/bypassed via MIDI --> Amp input

but also...

Amp FX send --> GSP1101 for delay/comp/verb/whatever --> Amp FX return
You can even run a 4 cable method with the gsp, using its pedal emulations in front of the preamp, even bypassing the amp's preamp to use digitech emulations for cleans and such...
GSP1101. I've modded mine to put provide 9VAC phantom power on the MIDI IN port to power my FCB1010 footswitch. Pretty damn awesome!

Make sure to go to for updated firmware with more amp models and features.
+1 to GSP1101. 4 cable method, the pedals in front of the amp are tits, then all your FX after. Perfect, sounds great, USB interface with computer control. The other two you have to program manually which is a bitch, but you only do it once.

The Xpression is pretty killer, but not nearly as versatile and the LED for the tap delay is absolutely brutal. I put tape over mine.

The Control 2 with the GSP1101 is sweet, you get your tuner up front, patch control, and individual pedal control.

For something that also works really well, check out the Rocktron MidiXchange. It lets you scroll up and down, then a middle button to activate the patch. Hit it again and it goes back to the old patch. Totally the way to roll. Others scroll as soon as you hit the button. Sucks...
Shit, so the Control 2 gives you the GSP's tuner at your feet? Cuz in that case it'd literally be the only thing I'd need at stage front, so I could deal with the size (the cost is unappealing however :bah: ) What an amazing pair of products though!
Yea dude GSP1101 ftw. Has a few decent amp models to play with If you download the unofficial firmware. FX are pretty good. You can have delay and reverb along with a 3rd FX like chorus, phaser, pitch shift, harmonizer, ect.

Has a semi Para EQ where you can choose the frequency and DB+/- but it has 3 preset set widths.

Has a boatload of pedal emulations from Tubescreamer to metalzone to the DIGITECH DEATH METAL PEDAL YEA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I found it affected the tone negatively on my 6505 when I used the 4 cable method (Guitar>GSP>Amp Input>Loop send>GSP>LoopReturn). It messed with the dynamics of the amp/brilliance IMO. Maybe something to do with a digital instrument lvl signal coming out of the GSP?

Overall I dig! I would either use it as a stand-alone preamp, or Just in the FX Loop for FX

You can also change patches Via Midi if you play with a laptop

I haven't gotten the Impulses to work with a head yet in the FX loop.
Jon how do you have your rack preamp hooked up to the GSP for impulses?

Also, tuner is not so great. Doesn't always track well. I would recommend using a separate quality tuner pedal. And if you want a rack tuner, don't even think about the Behringer one. I figured out of all things behringer couldn't screw up a simple tuner, but yup they did lol.
How about the impulses? Does the unit rips them too much or is it acceptable?
Wow that's a lot... Is there any application that downgrades the impulses to 256 or 128? It'd be interesting in order to test it.
Thanks a lot Jon, I just can't find that comparison anymore. Do you know the name of the post?