rack fx units


Jul 27, 2005
hey there,

looking for a cheap-ish rack fx unit for my live guitar rig.
i used to run a behringer v-amp into the fx return of my 5150 for all my clean sounds, but lately i've switched to a sansamp pre, midi setup etc and now i'd like to get into effects a bit more.

i don't need a whole lot of stuff at the same time, or very weird effects in general....just a decent reverb and chorus for the clean parts, maybe also a compressor for the cleans, and once again a decent reverb and a delay for some leads, that's it.
i also NEED to be able to control the overall volume that's going from the rack into whatever poweramp's available. the sansamp is a 1.0 so it doesnt have a master volume, which kinda sucks i suppose. hence i need to either have the fx unit behind the sansamp, with an output control so i can adjust how hard i hit the power section of the amps, or maybe there's also a way to run the samsamp in the loop of the fx unit and control it this way....dunno.

right now i'm running the behringer v-amp after the sansamp just for it's effects section, but while the delay is actually passable, the reverbs are pretty much crap :(

any recommendations?
all i know is that the g-major is always said to be great (my other guitarist also has one and swears by it) & has an output control, but are there any alternatives? like rocktron repliflex/intelliflex, tc electronics g-sharp (really damn cheap! wonder if it's any good...), whatever....

thanks :)

i use a tc electroncis g-sharp in the aux send on my mixer for my demonizer and womanizer tracks to give some more room sound to the direct output sounds

i imagine it will work great on the sansamp too,
about the effects quality, i cant really complain about them, i only use reverb and delay and it does the job really well.

but on the g-sharp, you dont have an compressor

Our guitarist had a Sansamp/Rocktron Chameleon combo for years. The cleans sounded very nice, but I don`t know if it has a compressor.
hey there,
all i know is that the g-major is always said to be great (my other guitarist also has one and swears by it) & has an output control, but are there any alternatives?
G-Major is actually kinda cheaply made and unless it never moves, you will eventually have problems with it. I think it sucks tone a little too much, and the knobs on it are cheap.
so, what would you consider a better alternative?

btw, the compressor isn't really a must have....it would just be a nice addition, because i suck at finger picking/plucking acoustic stuff, and the comp kinda makes it sound better than it really is haha. quality verb/delay, reliabilty, some kind of output level control, those are the main points for me
Why? I thought it sounded great, it just lacked the switching of the older stuff (so you don't think I knowingly sold you a POS :D)
thanks for the input.

now, after checking out ebay it seems next to impossible to find any of the rocktron units mentioned above.

as for the g-sharp, i checked out the manual, and it doesn't seem to have an output level control, so - it's out.

any other alternatives? i'll continue to check ebay for some rocktron stuff, but still....
Have you checked out the Digitech GSP1101? I've seen several people using it as an outboard effects unit and from my understanding it has some nice effects and routing options. You can turn off the amp/cab stuff globally and simply use it as an effects processor, plus it seems to have a good MIDI implementation for control.

i use a tc electroncis g-sharp in the aux send on my mixer for my demonizer and womanizer tracks to give some more room sound to the direct output sounds

i imagine it will work great on the sansamp too,
about the effects quality, i cant really complain about them, i only use reverb and delay and it does the job really well.

but on the g-sharp, you dont have an compressor


i second that - tc electronics g-sharp is a great rack unit