Bass Fx


Santa Hat Forever
so to the touring bassists here, do you use any type of effects as your standard tone or even as a special fx in a certain part of a song? and if you do, what fx and what pedal/rack unit do you use to get it?

Just curious to know what everyone uses, I personally used the "Ultrabass" octave effect on my Behringer V-amp for a goregrind band just to give the bass and the band in general that extra umphh of heaviness, and also used the V-amps chorus in a slight way for my Doom/death band plus a heavier reverb on a specific part where the bass is solo and the ambient is all creepy.

I am now selling my v-amp to get something better, separate pedals most likely, and feel the need of a good compression pedal as my first soon to be aquisition for my new rig.
My main rig is a simple pedal board (DI only)

Bass->TU-2 Out->Tech 21 VT Bass->LMB-3->DI.

The LMB-3 is OK, I'm going to replace it with an EBS MultiComp or Demeter Compulator.

I'm looking to add a second clean channel (TU-2 Thru->Aguilar Tone Hammer->2nd MultiComp more than likely) to the rig to fill out some of the low mid range lost through the amount of drive I use but other than that I don't find the need for any other effects when playing metal, for solo bass sections a bit of 'verb is nice but our FOH guy has much better 'verb than I can get in a pedal board so I just leave that up to him.
i am using zoom bfx 708 for compression and EQ it's nothing special realy it also has some effects and cab sin.

this cab sim is useful when i distort my signal with AMT Metalizer

(even though this is guitar pedal it works very well for bass too)
effects well very rare and also for short period time when i have some space to be noticed at all and that is usually when the guitars are on clean.

really want to get my hands on the Tech21 bass drive DI but too damn broke right now.
The LMB-3 is OK, I'm going to replace it with an EBS MultiComp or Demeter Compulator.

When I have the cash I really want the Ebs multicomp, heard wonders about it.

I didn´t mention I have a Peavey Firebass 700 head that I bought recently, that would be the main tone of my rig at least for now, looking to add a comp and some drive like a Tubescreamer or something similar
When I have the cash I really want the Ebs multicomp, heard wonders about it.

I didn´t mention I have a Peavey Firebass 700 head that I bought recently, that would be the main tone of my rig at least for now, looking to add a comp and some drive like a Tubescreamer or something similar

You want to try a ProCo RAT for a really nice drive on bass (think Arch Enemy/KSE), a TS is good but you lose way too much balls for metal.
+1 to proco Ratt

Also i like to split my signal either throug the effects loop or a small mixer to separate distortion from the main tone, and also put a guitar cab simulator in the dist. part of the signal. Blend to taste
You want to try a ProCo RAT for a really nice drive on bass (think Arch Enemy/KSE), a TS is good but you lose way too much balls for metal.

A TS with clean blend (to keep the clean low end in tact) rips!

I've got a bass modded SD-1 (clean blend and different tone voicing) and love it! A guy in my town mods SD's and TS's to what he calls bass screamers. Think I payed 15 euros for the mod.