Need guitar rack connection advice!!


May 26, 2010
Dayton, Ohio
Hi All,

I have a Rocktron ProphesyII, Line 6 Vetta II HD, Randall RH50T, and Sonic Stomp Pedal. I use the Rocktron for my preamp tone, the Vetta hopefully for it's FX and routing capacity, the Randall for a tube power amp, and the Sonic
for it's usual purpose. I do not want, at this point to use the modeling on the Vetta just the FX. Wondering what is the best way to hook all of that up with
the given intentions in mind. I also have a Rocktron All Access limited edition
midi foot controller that I use to control the Prophesy and the Vetta II foot-switch to control it. Ultimately I also would like to use the All Access to control both. I am not asking for programming advice because I know that is very subjective and in depth. I am just at this point asking for connection
advice based upon my desired set-up. I have done some research and leaving out the foot controller aspect I have come up with this possible connection solution. Guitar into Rocktron, Rocktron send to Vetta input, Vetta line out to Rocktron return, and Sonic Stop in FX loop of Vetta. In
theory and w/o having my gear in front of me, band practice in a few hours, it seems as though that will handle my set-up up until the foot controller issue. My All Access normally goes to the Rocktron to control it. Foot's Midi out to Rocktron midi in. How do I get around that? Sorry for the novel and for
any overtly noobish duh questions. Any help will be greatly appreciated!!
If you don't need some really strange effects that the Prophesy can't offer I would leave the Vetta out of the Rack,
way to much hassle and using a full head just for the effects is a complete overkill, especially if most of them are
just decent, but nothing special.

About the Sonic Stomp, used the rack version of it for some time, in the beginning you get that "wow" effect, but
actually most of the guys around here (me included nowadays) don't like the effect of it, it enhances the highs in
an unnatural way imho and everything sounds to scooped and you won't cut through very well.

So out of the equipment you own atm, I would go for the following combinations:

1. Guitar--> Rocktron Prophesy II Out --> Randall RH50T Effects Return so you're only using that amp as a poweramp.
-you could controll all your midi changes with the Rocktron All Acess, if you want to use the Sonic Stomp, put it in the
loop of the Prophesy.

2. Guitar--> Line6 Vetta II HD, that's it, using the Vetta II foot swtich to control it because imho you can get decent
sounds out of the Vetta and it's way easier to just bring one head with you and one floorboard instead of all the other

And just to write it down once more, the setup you want to use atm would involve a preamp just for the preamp sounds
instead of using it's internal effects, a full featured modelling amp that includes dual amp setups, effects and a 300 watt
poweramp, but you only want to use it's effects that aren't that special, than you're using a pedal, too, and run all of this
into an amp that is decent for it's price, nothing special, but you're just using it for it's poweramp.

If all of that sounds harsh to you, sorry, just wanted to tell you that in my humble opinion, that is a pretty large rig for
a setup that could be reduced alot, and you could actually get an equal sound imho (if not better) and a lot of less hassle
to get it up on stage and so on.
And it's harder to fuck up an easy setup and it's way easier to programm it.
Yeah I know what you mean. Your first suggestion is actually how I have been running it. I love my sound but I used the Vetta
for years before I got the Prophesy and always found it much easier to use real-time than the prophesy, especially the way that
the Vetta pedal-board is laid out. I have no other multi-effects options other than the Prophesy atm which is why I wanted to try the Vetta with it. The Prophesy only allows you to use one instance of an effect at a time i.e. can't have several delays chained
and the routing is not as flexible either. Eventually I am going to get a rackmount multi Fx unit but was just trying to make due with what I had and experiment. Thinking about the Rocktron Xpression. The bigger issue is that I am still a little bit intimidated by the
programming of the all access, which I am sure I can get it laid out similar to the Vetta if I got really deep into it, but midi programming is something I am really just now starting to get into. No offense taken, I didn't think you were being harsh just
trying to be honest and helpful. Thanks and I appreciate your suggestions.