Best choir samples or keyboard sounds?

AD Chaos

Aug 3, 2009
Hello everyone

I've been missing some choir sounds and I'm wondering which ones sound best, whether they come as part of some keyboard sound set or card expansion, or as samples/VSTis.

More than wordbuilding ability or a collection of latin phrases, I'm interested in 'choral' or church-like oohs and aahs samples (even if they come as part of some VSTi with those other things added). If it's a full range sample set (sopranos to basses, or female and male) all the better, although I'm a bit more interested in the higher/female register.
I'd prefer the sounds to be detailed and realistic if possible, to work as a solo instrument convincingly, and to stand out by themselves in the context of a crowded mix if need be, but I'm open to any suggestion really, as long as the sounds are nice and have some church-like vibe going on.

Have you had experience with any library or keyboard you'd be able to recommend highly?

Thanks much for your opinions ;)
Thanks much for the video! I remember checking out trailers on YT before the Requiem light was launched. Those syllables sound great; I'm going to have to check for vowels-only demos, which is what I'm interested in.

It's not cheap for sure, but I guess I could pony up for it eventually. I'm wondering if layering more than one choir could help improve some sense of realism?
I was on a tight budget when I needed something a few years ago, so I grabbed Magnus Choir for $39. It's not the newest, but might be worth considering if you don't want to spend a lot of dosh.


I think you can demo it for free... I think.
Oh yeah I tried the Magnus Choirs demo version a long while ago. Very good for what it is, but the synth in them kept reminding me of Bathory too much :lol:

I still really like symphonic choirs + vota add on

Sorry but what is vota add on?

Anyone knows if there's a sonic difference in the PLAY version of Symphonic Choirs, compared to the Kontakt-Kompakt based one?
I've often wondered about this, always seemed to me like they just threw in a new engine but kept using the previous samples. Or are the samples different/better sounding?
Oh yeah I tried the Magnus Choirs demo version a long while ago. Very good for what it is, but the synth in them kept reminding me of Bathory too much :lol:

Sorry but what is vota add on?

Anyone knows if there's a sonic difference in the PLAY version of Symphonic Choirs, compared to the Kontakt-Kompakt based one?
I've often wondered about this, always seemed to me like they just threw in a new engine but kept using the previous samples. Or are the samples different?

Voices of the apocalypse.

I believe they are the same samples.
Ah yeah, the angels/demons, men and women GIGA stuff that came on CDs.

I think they're the same samples too, because when PLAY came along they just moved the same songs they had as demos.
I remember when 8Dio made a contest along the lines of 'tell us what library we should do next'; I would be all over some instance where all imaginable syllables for English and/or Latin could be mixed in to use as virtual singer(s). Until then I prefer to stick to vowels only.
I like the ones in Omnisphere, though that's probably a bit expensive if you just want some choirs. No wordbuilding either, unless I'm mistaking. But quite a few styles and textures.
I don't normally work with choirs but a while back I did this song which had some in it. It was 4-5 years ago and I haven't had to use any choir plugin since then. I used east west symphonic choirs (the one with the word-builder), check it out at 5.00:

I don't know how it works for solo stuff but as a choir it sounded very realistic to me. Although you need to put some effort in programming it. I remember it took quite a while and I actually did 4-5 separate parts for sopranos, altos, tenors, bass etc. all layered together. Generally speaking, more layers=more realistic.
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