Korg Triton Extreme 88 Keys


Apr 5, 2003
Hey guys!

I was wondering if anyone here had a Korg Triton Extreme and was very familiar with it. I have some questions, and I'd like you to weigh the pros and cons... I am considering picking one of these up as I really think it will enhance my recordings a lot.

I am interested in some specific things though that I am looking for in the keyboard, and it would be great if you could record samples of each sound, or links to specific sounds:

Realistic Church organ and Choir
Mellotron strings, flute

Stuff I use a LOT above. Also I'd like to hear a nice orchestral arrangement made with the Triton Extreme if anyone has made one? I'm certain I want a keyboard with the above listed sounds.... Please let me know, thanks!
I have the Triton Extreme 61 keys version.
Sorry, no samples for you, but.. let's say that the organs (b3 and church) and the choir sounds weren't the reason I bought it.
It was mainly the keyboard action :) Damn nice for live work!
No idea how the 88 version feels like.
I think www.korg.com has some samples??

Mellotron sounds are ok, as are the harp sounds and strings. Don't know how realistic they are or if that's even something you're looking for.
If you're looking for realistic symphonic sounds (the whole "band"), Vienna Symphonic or the like would be much better.

You might have to do some tweaking/editing to get your kinda sounds since, to me, the presets are aimed at .. "modern" music. Lots of synths, pads (nice!), bells, leads .. Works for me, though, I have other keyboards/modules from which to choose from as well.
I have the 61 key triton extreme as well. GET IT!!! I am no pianist, by any stretch, but the sounds are fucking stellar! I'm inspired every time I turn it on, and I have probably used only 10% of it's capabilities! The B3, mello, all the organs/synths, strings are great. When a REAL pianist comes by, the only complaint is no weighted keys on the 61, so the 88 would be the ticket. I too have no samples to give you, but check it out, and you'll be sold for sure!
Those mellotron samples have as much difference as does the 'tron sounds between my triton and roland xv-5050. ie. not a lot :)
I can hear a slight difference, but then again, apparently every mellotron is a bit different from each other (due mostly to mechanical reasons?). :u-huh:

I have some gripes about the synth, but mostly they're about the interface and editing and such. Hmm.. I might sound a bit negative towards the extreme, but far from it! It's almost all I use these days. My other keys look enviously from the corners..

Try it if you can!!