Best 'Decapitated' Album

Best Decapitattatated alboom

  • That first one when they were literally children but was actually damn good death metal

    Votes: 8 72.7%
  • Nihility

    Votes: 1 9.1%
  • The Negation

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Organic Hallucinosis

    Votes: 2 18.2%
  • Post- passing of Vitek and major lineup changes Album

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
So i take it you're a huge fan of Elements and Spheres?

yeah i think you'll definitely dig Alkaloid. Also, you should give Cosmogensis and Omnivium from Obscura a go to while you're at it. JPT is a bass god that bleeds jazz fusion and is the master of the 7-string fretless.

Oh and you're probably already familiar with Obscura from Gorguts, but if not it is basically the most quintessential album when it comes to experimental death metal brainfuckery. An absolute masterpiece.

Elements is great, but I'm much more of a fan of their first two albums. Spheres is alright, but that album never really did all that much for me. Might have to revisit it.

I've tried getting into Obscura (the band) a few times but I never thought they were all that impressive. I find them to be overrated. They're a good band and all, but some people I know carry on like they're the greatest Tech-Death band of all time.

Oh man, I love Obscura, an absolutely phe-freaking-nomenal album. So unique, so quirky and so much to enjoy. Requires multiple listens to get the best out of it.

Other albums with a bit of a jazz tinge I like are Cynic's Focus (although it isn't as jazzy as most people make it out to be). Opeth's Ghost Reveries has some great moments and is their last good album imo. Ihsahn's & Napalm Death's most recent releases feature wonderful hybrids of styles. Alarum's Eventuality is a really fun and wild ride that goes to some interesting places. I also quite like Gorod's first few albums, along with Coprofago's Unorthodox Creative Criteria.
Obscura are definitely one of the greatest technical death metal bands of all time so you shouldn't really be surprised when fans of tech-death say they're one of the greatest. Most people that hate on the band dislike the subgenre on the whole. The two albums i mentioned are not only some of the best "modern" tech-death albums, but some of the best in the whole subgenre. Their last two albums are okay but they're just not the same without JTL, Munzner and Hannes
Omnivium has some good moments. But if anything Decapitated run circles around them.

Winds of Creation
is the only Decapitated album that comes close to being better then Cosmogenesis and Omnivium. And as far as technicality goes im sorry but they're not even on the same level. Btw give the former a shot if you haven't listened to it yet

dat bass!

as far as musicianship goes, these guys will without a doubt run circles around Decapitated at any stage of their careers. Not even the same tier tbh.
I'm just not hearing it personally. That Anticosmic Overload song is especially lame. How on Earth can you think that's better than a song such as, say, Human's Dust, which goes all over the fretboard and then some.
Winds of Creation

Because I said so

Hey no love for The Negation in the votes. That album has some face-rrrripping songs. The eponymous track has one of the sickest metal sections I've ever heard at the middle there on the bdown. It's so damn destructive and exhilarating. It's like being on a roller-coaster that thing.

Hey no love for The Negation in the votes. That album has some face-rrrripping songs. The eponymous track has one of the sickest metal sections I've ever heard at the middle there on the bdown. It's so damn destructive and exhilarating. It's like being on a roller-coaster that thing.

Yeah the title track & The Fury are great. The only problem with that album is there seems to be a few filler tracks in comparison to the first two albums.
Organic Hallucinosis is the album where they got everything right. Such a damn shame about that bus crash.
Yeah the title track & The Fury are great. The only problem with that album is there seems to be a few filler tracks in comparison to the first two albums.
ooh disagree very strongly there. Give it a listen again perhaps. The whole thing is very much consistent. I'd say my favorite tracks on that record, besides the title track, are the lesser known 'Lying and Weak' and the exit track 'the Empty Throne'. Killer songs. The short noise instrumental 'The Calling' leading to the title track adds so much ominous presence in a clever way to the record. Definitely wouldn't rank The Negation as the least good of the 4 Vitek era albums.

Of course let's not forget this monstrous groovy song:
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Oh for sure all of those songs you listed are great. It's still an incredible album.
bogus statement. hilarious to say the least
Obscura is what a metal band sounds like when they've had their balls cut off. You just know they're over-compensating for something. There's just no rhyme or reason for them.

Decapitated (mach I in particular) were a driven band that have more riffs per minute than the squeaky, tinny-sounding shit coughed up by Obscura. Vogg is a better axeman than whoever Obscura's guitarist is, Vitek clearly has the Obscura drummer beaten. The only point I'll give Obscura is for their bassist.