Best female vocalist

Originally posted by Annie
agree w/ miranda: Sharon is the best!
but i dont like Tarja from Nightwish.. she should sing opera.. hum :p

But she does, you know? :D guess you ment "only opera".. yeah, I don't like her either, nor the music. too boring..

anyways, two names that came to my mind in a few seconds are Dusty Springfield and Diamanda Galás (she freaks me out). Dusty is (was) truly wonderful performer of those 60's and 70's entertainment-pop -stuff. Galás I haven't heard that much, but stuff I've listened to showed how amazing voice, vocal range and capabilities she has.
Originally posted by mega
Lisa Gerrard is the best without any doubts. No one can come even close.

:hotjump: :headbang: Yeah, she is deffinetely the greatest female singer and artist too. She can do amazing things with her voice and sing totally emotional at the same time!!! Just listen to ''sacrifice'' for example...:)