Best growler.... (Euro metal scene only)

Originally posted by COnsiderateApathy
Mikael Akerfeldt - Opeth AND Bloodbath.

Matti Karki - Dismember.

Whoever the hell did the vocals for Entombed's "Clandestine" album. It wasn't who was listed on the album credits.

And of course, Dan Swanö, for Moontower.

It was Nicke Andersson who did the vocals on Clandestine. And yes, the Clandestine vocals rules! Other great growlers:
Jörgen Sandström (Project Hate, ex Grave)
Johan Lindstrand (The Crown)
Michael Nicklasson (Luciferion)
Dan Swanö
Mike Åkerfeldt
Seems that everyone likes Stanne. I thought he's more a screemer than a growler.
The best growler for me is still Masse Broberg from the first 2 Hypocrisy albums. Now he turned to a screemer in his new band Dark Funeral I think. What a waste of talent. :lol:
But I don't listen to much of that kind of music nowadays. I'm getting old.
Mikael Åkerfeldt.

Mikael Stanne and Dan Swanö are close seconds, and it really depends on my mood. I love all 3 of their growls a lot. I can't wait to see DT live. Then I will have seen all 3 vocalists. :)
Thomas AG Jensen of Saturnus.
The best growler out there. imo. If you listened to Martyre, you'll know what I mean.

Tomi Koivusaari of Amorphis were also great, on Tales and Elegy albums.

You're right Stanne is more screamer than growler, growling is more of doom, slow music.

Though Akerfeldt is also great, maybe the best out there AT THE MOMENT. The vocal production of Deliverance is unbelievable. :notworthy
Originally posted by discouraged1
Thomas AG Jensen of Saturnus.
The best growler out there. imo. If you listened to Martyre, you'll know what I mean.

Tomi Koivusaari of Amorphis were also great, on Tales and Elegy albums.

You're right Stanne is more screamer than growler, growling is more of doom, slow music.

Though Akerfeldt is also great, maybe the best out there AT THE MOMENT. The vocal production of Deliverance is unbelievable. :notworthy
Stanne is definatly a growler since Projector (or the last five years). And the vocal production on Bloodbath is much better than on Deliverance in my opinion.