Best guitar in a Nevermore song?


cheating the polygraph
Apr 29, 2001
dead between the walls
More than anything, Jeff Loomis is the reason why I worship Nevermore...he is the perfect example of being frighteningly brutal and dangerously cerebral at the same time.

This Sacrament (fucking insanity!)
The Learning (purely menacing in both the slow and heavy sections)
Matricide (that solo is fucking sick)
Beyond Within
We Disintegrate
The River Dragon Has Come (again, a demented solo)
Dead Heart In A Dead World (one of the most savage riffs ever)
River dragon has that wicked-ass solo
Seven Tongues of God has great rhythm guitars overall, with some complex time siggies.
Dreaming Neon Black has 3 guitars in it during the last chorus and I'm a sucker for 3 guitars.... :)
thats it for now. jeff loomis just kicks ass overall... probably my fav guitarist.
I must say i love sorrowed man ! i know its a mellow one but its so addictive :eek: For brutality i say narcosynthesis that song is all over the place :loco: I dont know why jeff started using 7 strings ? 6 sounds fine to me
This is a fucking stupid thread, you do realise that don't you???!!!

But anyway, personally, being a forbidden fan, and realising what nevermore has lost thru Tim Calvert leaving, 80% of the DNB guitaring is awesome.

Beyond withing being my favourite, although the guitaring isn't hard to play at all, fairly simple stuff, it is still an awesome collection of riffs.

42147 off POE is the same, awesome riff, but not excessively complicated.

But i do love Jeff's solos of POE, and both JEFF's and TIM's solos off DNB
ive just been listening to POE & DNB which i havent heard for a while & I must say Beyond within is such an Intense song with a well structured solo which is understanderble as Jeffs solos still manage to suprise me ! talking of solos i think the solo on river dragon is fucking ace i cant keeep up with it :loco: Does anyone know wot Jeffs main 6 string guitar was during the POE era ?
THe River Dragon Has Come has an awsome solo, one of the sickest things i've ever heard come from guitars. I love both Jeff and Tim's solos on DNB, that and PoE are excellant albums to showcase the technicallity of Nevermore's riffing and leads.

On all the live pics from the PoE tour I've seen, Jeff was using the custom Axtra. On the live DnB pics, he seemed to use a Jackson RR1 Rhoads, and Tim used a Jackson Kelly. Pick up a Jackson guitar, its not hard to get an awsome metal sound outta them.
I think, that best guitar parts are Tim Calvert's solos. They are so expressive (beyond within, deconstruction, all play dead) and technically perfect Calvert has his own style of playing and harmonical composing (I know what I'm talking about - I've just finished transcribing 'beyond winthin' solo).
If you people could have only seen the future.

EoR has tons of kickass solos. My favorite being on Ambivalent. Now that solo provokes some feeling.