best hangover / munchies foods


May 31, 2002
Arlington, Virginia
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I didn't post on the "how bad is your diet" thread, but normally
I eat very healthy, and NEVER touch fast food (haven't had McDonald's since 1997 hehehe)
But when I'm drunk... I'm craving the weirdest things...
like... HAM!
or... pancakes with wierd toppings ....

whats your best hangover food?
and I mean, not the day after when the thought of greasy food makes you hurl, but when you're drunk and your stomach makes those noises of : "hey I need food!"
Drunk: Any sort of breakfast food thats cooked: breakfast burritos, waffles, pancakes, eggs, hasbrowns, bacon, toast (all of the above sometimes) :p

High: Microwaveable Beef and Bean Burritos, Hickory Sticks, anything fattening :p
I always have pizza or donner "meat" and chips on the night itself.

The morning after, greasy fried food all the way! And a cup of tea.