Fun Hangover Discussion!


safe in the cornfields
Well, i figure we needed a thread like this with all the boozehounds on this board. :p For one of my Metalwhore columns I was working on a list of different hangovers and what they are like. Cos i notice that there are indeed many different kinds of hangovers around. For instance, I came up with 11 of them, and can you guys think of anymore, and which ones you have suffered from?

Ok, first off...

ONE: Typical Hangover:

This one is your basic run of the mill hangover caused by excessive boozing. Youre a little tired, achy or dehydrated but no biggie, you get over it.

Causes: Just boozing it up.
Times Suffered: Countless
Last Time Suffered: Yesterday :p

TWO: The Desert Hangover

Here you are majorly dehydrated and need to drink tons of water. You really feel like crap here till you get rehydrated, and this can take awhile. But you can get thru it.

Causes: Drinking too much with too little water involved. Also some good pukes the night before without dirnking again can cause this.

Times Suffered: Quite a few.
Last Time Suffered: A week or so ago.

THREE: The Bulimic Hangover

here, you feel so shitty the next morning that you need to force yourself to vomit. You can't quite get it on your own, but after drinking a lot of water and gagging yourself with two fingers excessively it all comes out, and you feel better. Sometimes this takes a couple of times.

Causes: Lots of booze mixing, but somehow not enough food or booze to get you puking on your own, but enought to make you feel like shit.

Times Suffered: A Couple
Last Time Suffered: Right before leaving for Finland.

FOUR: Near Death, or 'NO MORE!!!'

In this little doozy, you drink so excessively, and so much, and so quickly, with no water, that you nearly have alcohol poisoning. In fact, should they test your blood alcohol, they will find that you are probably beyond the point of coma and death, but you are still going. you typically vomit violently the night before and wake up a shaking, shivering, pale mess and you feel like you are about to die, barely able to move for hours, and possibly still puking. This one sucks ass. The term 'NO MORE!!!' comes from the typical announcement that you will neven drink again. of course you usually do the next night.

Causes: Lots and lots and LOTS of booze really fast, and hard stuff at that.

Times Suffered: Once
Last Time Suffered: End of last year.

FIVE: 'Did anyone SEE that train coming? I didn't!!' or 'Kicked By a galactic Mule'

In this classic, you wake up feeling pretty shitty, dehydrated, but the hangover itself isn't the most horrible thing. What is is the fact you literally feel like you have been manhandled, or, as it says, hit by a train. Your whole body hurts, you have bruises in odd areas, your muscles are sore, walking is a pain and you have no clue why, even tho you may not forget the whole night. This one tends to cause confusion.

Causes: Who knows. Possibly falling down stairs or just on the sidewalk, falling over things, tripping various places, play fighting/wrestling. However, see number SEVEN here also...

Times Suffered: Twice
Last Time Suffered: About 5 days ago.

SIX: Delayed Reaction, or 'The Hand Grenade'

In this hangover, you drink a lot all night, so much that you still wake up either a little drunk or the hangover hasn't hit yet. But, you need to do something that day, like work. So, you take another shot some time before you leave to hold off the hangover a little longer. But it catches up and hits anyway. You can keep the severity of the hangover down with water but you are gonna feel like shit regardless. My relapse employees have seen me on this one lots since its how I manage the walk to work :p

Causes: See above. Just boozin till late.

Times Suffered: Too Many to Count
Last Time Suffered: Maybe a week or so ago when I had to do some shit

SEVEN: 'I did WHAT???'

Ahh, this fun little hangover is one of the ones that no one likes to suffer. Not only do you feel like complete ass the next morning(this one and number FIVE occationaly go hand in hand), but your friends start calling you and telling you what exactly you did. Thing is, your WHOLE memory isnt gone, so you sort of remember bits sometimes you remember up to 50-70% of the night on your own even...but as your friends cheerfully tell you what you got involved in as you smack your head, you begin to remember more, sometimes piecing together up to 90% of the night. At this point, you wish you were suffering from number EIGHT. This one can also be known by the name of 'I did WHO????' (again, see number FIVE)

Causes: Whisky is a killer here. Whisky likes to cause minor blackouts. And major ones. Tequila however is also a good mind eraser. Some people get this way on vodka also, I so somewhat. Jagermeister in the right quantities can cause bits of memories missing. Or just plain mixing a lot of shit.

Times Suffered: A Few :p
Last Time Suffered: Don't want to recall :p

EIGHT: The Alien Abuction or 'Area 51':

One step worse than number SEVEN, this one, you, and NO one around you, has a CLUE what the fuck happened past a certain point. Not only may your memory be fuzzy up to a certain point, after awhile, your memory is one big black hole, like 8-12 hours of your life does not exist at all. Hence, this is called 'The Alien Abduction' after the fact that most people who get abducted claim to have big holes in their memory during that time. In addition, people have been known to wake up sore from alien abductions from anal probes and the like. People have also been known to wake up sore after suffering an 'Area 51' hangover. Only it's usually not from alien anal probes.

Causes: As SEVEN, only in much bigger amounts. Like bottles of the stuff. Serious total mindwipe here. Again, whiskey and tequila are the top 2 killers here I find.

Times Suffered: Once
Last Time Suffered: One Month Ago

NINE: The Vomitorium

Ahh, the vomitorium. You puke. And puke and puke. And yak some more. That night and thru the night and into the next morning. It's like your body doesnt want to stop vomiting even when all the booze is out of your stomach, you keep puking up bile. This one blows cos it dehydrates you more, and if you aren't careful, this can turn into number FOUR in how you feel. Water after each puke can at least keep this one somehwat ok. But it still blows.

Causes: Lots and lots of booze mixing, like beer and vodka and Jagermeister and tequila and rum and coke and whisky and cognac and wine and anything else you can get your hands on. Not to mention eating ultra spicy hot wings with this...

Times Suffered: Once
Last time Suffered: Same time as number FOUR.

Ok guys! Well, you got anymore? I hope this was somewhat informative cos it was kinda fun to write and it'll give us an idea of just what us drunkards here suffer from. :p :D :lol:
I don't see anyone that fits me completely here :p

I usually wake up, and have to shower like 5 times before I even feel like moving. Then i have to shower again, so I can bare to eat some pizza, and then shower twice. Then I just sit like a shivering wreck the rest of the day, thinking about all the stupid things I did last night, which I unfortunately remember :p

Causes: too much finnish vodka, then whatever people offer me
Suffered: all the time lately
Great stuff!! so true. I can proudly say that except for Vomitorium I've been through all of those :D Last year in Bulgaria I had number 4 everyday for two weeks... that was hardcore :) and number 7 is just classic :)
What about the gut rot hangover

Waking up and your head feeling perfectly fine, but you stomach feels like its holding acidic sludge. You feel liek you want to die. Heartburn or sever stomach ache or both.

cause: Too much booze that contains sugar or mixing with very sugary drinks. Schnopps, coolers and other sugary drinks tend to cause this.
BettyTenderAss said:
The list would have been pretty complete in my mind, until about three weeks ago when I had the one that ab-so-motherfuckin-lutely took the cake. I dubbed it the "Somebody put something in my drink" hangover. I had worked all day and went to join a couple of the boys for a rendezvous with a case in a cornfield, as was our typical Friday night ritual. After precisely TWO beers (both of which I had left unattended numerous times to change cd's or whatnot) I blacked out.

From what I've been told, I was perfectly fine one minute and perfectly horizontal in the ditch the next. Projectile vomiting worthy of the Exorcist. I passed out here and there, woke up the next day to feel a combination of all the above hangovers (i.e., not remembering anything, constantly puking for a full 24 hours, feeling the donkey wounds, etc.) and could not understand what the fuck happened. Two beers in me is the equivalent of poking an elephant with a toothpick... I learned later that week that one of my friends had an assortment of pills he ended up popping the day after and landing himself in the hospital. Needless to say, this is one you only need to go through once in a lifetime.
Holy fucking moses. . .:( sounds bad. . .
hehe i had one of the Train hangovers, but the climax of the story is light years more memorable than a simple curb whack...
we were in this touristic city with my entire class, this was a graduation trip. so in the hotel, which of course had plenty of other courses, we were boozing in a room with a couple of mates.
we had this "mariposa" liquor which is not too strong but really damn sweet, and not the good kind of sweet but the sweet taste kind of sweet... you could sweeten a pool of coffee with a mug of that shit
then, beer and wine. not too much variation and/or quantity i know, but still, it managed to get us fairly pissed after a good hour of yapping and boozing.

so, after we were done, i go downstairs, then upstairs again for some reason, and then i head back down with a friend. and as any drunk guy will do, i tried to impress this friend (which was also boozed up a bit). we were discussing who was more pissed, she or i, so on our way down the stairs, i told her "look, i'm not pissed, see how i jump a few stair steps at once". normally i'd know better than that, but i wasn't thinking clearly at all at that point.
so i go and down two steps at one. not having had enough, i go three. then a few more.
at some point i'm at the stair rest, between the 2 floors. ahead is a low ceiling, and about 5/6 steps. so i say, "hey check it out, all at once", and without any kind of situational awareness, i jump forth in full glory and clumsyness. naturally, this means i actually jumped forth with full momentum. and here it comes... my forehead hit the ceiling edge clean, and then i spectacularly tilted over and crashed FLAT on my back, like a steel plank. hehe everyone thought i was dead, or at least that i wouldn't walk ever again. i got up without too much trouble, not fully realizing what went on... they took me to the med room, and after being asured i had nothing broken, i was told to go to my room and not leave for the night for fuck's sake.
during the night i puked uncountable times, which if they were countable i wouldn't have remembered anyway cause i was pissassed to all fuck and back.
the next morning... oh boy oh boy. it was beyond a donkey or a train. it was beyond a donkey AND a train. i felt like my back was road under construction, and for the rest of the day i felt the bulldozers threading around, and the hammers and picks pounding and so on.
that was damn dangerous, i could have easily split my back in little itsy bits, or my forehead for that matter, but instead i just got up and complained about my hand hurting...
all in all it was fucking fun (bar the next morning), and i'd totally do it again if i was asured the outcome would be the same.
hehe there's my tale
@Tal ...funny stuff! :lol:

As for me, I have experienced some of those but the one that is most memorable is The Vomitorium.....this actually happened while I was in high school...took a bottle of Bicardi Rum 151 from my parents well-stocked liquor cabinet and went to school with it...all day long me and 2 other friends drank that shit.....didnt take long for #9 to take effect and lasted all the way into the following night. Never drank that shit again (although drunk frisbee throwing is a lot of fun..I recommend it :lol: :lol:)
I have never puked (nor had a hangover, for that matter) as a result of heavy drinking. I might have experienced the "I did WHAT/WHO?" state, but usually I'm ok after doing stupid shit, that is...

The first time I blacked out was after drinking too many Pisco Sours and Smirnoffs Ice at a new year party in Hamburg and I ended up having a fistfight with a bitch (who had no better tactic than to use her nails and spiked rings, not to mention her huge-ass gay boyfriend). The other time was some months ago, and I better don't even tell what happened there... :loco:

It usually has to happen with very strong drinks (SHOTS!!!!), because beer has no effect on me (too soft and too bitter for my taste anyway, unless it's Alsterwasser). If anything, it only makes me go to the bathroom (to pee!) more often.

I once downed maybe... 6 Jägermeisters and God-knows-how-many-more Saurers (my favorite German shot), and if it hadn't been for the fact that the bar ran out of Jäger, my friends and I wouldn't have stopped (but we went to another bar :D )... I was ok even after some more Alsterwassers that night...

Reishu or cold sake is always good too... I'll make sure I'll bring some to my German buddies and see what happens. ;)
Hilda said:
I have never puked (nor had a hangover, for that matter) as a result of heavy drinking. I might have experienced the "I did WHAT/WHO?" state, but usually I'm ok after doing stupid shit, that is...

The first time I blacked out was after drinking too many Pisco Sours and Smirnoffs Ice at a new year party in Hamburg and I ended up having a fistfight with a bitch (who had no better tactic than to use her nails and spiked rings, not to mention her huge-ass gay boyfriend). The other time was some months ago, and I better don't even tell what happened there... :loco:

It usually has to happen with very strong drinks (SHOTS!!!!), because beer has no effect on me (too soft and too bitter for my taste anyway, unless it's Alsterwasser). If anything, it only makes me go to the bathroom (to pee!) more often.

I once downed maybe... 6 Jägermeisters and God-knows-how-many-more Saurers (my favorite German shot), and if it hadn't been for the fact that the bar ran out of Jäger, my friends and I wouldn't have stopped (but we went to another bar :D )... I was ok even after some more Alsterwassers that night...

Reishu or cold sake is always good too... I'll make sure I'll bring some to my German buddies and see what happens. ;)
yeah but you live in Madison, that place is like cheap alcohol Central.

"I've been in bars here and it's like New Years every fuck night. 'Well, New Years, thats when we drink with hats on.' I come here cause basically if i spent four days here drinking, even with the plane ticket it's cheaper than drinking in New York."

- Lewis Black, in Wisconsin
Well shit happens to all of us semmingly (except Profanity, who's been left out from all the fun).

Memorable hangovers I have three:

1) 3 years ago at the age of 16 we had a lil´down-the-shore party with my ex-ex-ex bf and his friends and I happen to drank a bit much beer... which ended me up puking happily all over the shore of the Danube in Budapest. Fun. Not. At least my ex-ex-ex bf handled me with understanding and not with disgust ;p

2) On my 18th birthday I didn't actually plan heavy drinking at all. Thought I'll just step into adulthood with a few beers.. well, one of those beers mysteriously fell into my lap because of a clumsy fuck so there was I, furious and without drink! Oh the drama! Then this particular clumsy fuck would bring me a shot of smthing which smelled like good liquor. Down it went. Well, it wasnt liquor after all but 70% absinthe mix. Yum. --> Puke --> Going home faster than Lassie --> Shivering the whole next day

3) 2003's new years eve party with my brother and friends, started with regular drinking when someone (whom I never saw before mind you) came up with this game: DRINK NOW (how creative...twat). Simple rules: you gotta drink one glass of beer in one instance and then the next dewd comes and this goes ina circle. The last who stands is the winner. I never saw the winner...for I was too busy with puking in the shower and all over the guy's car (and my pants) who took me home (and bought me a hamburger, thx).
Mom wasn't happy to see me in that state to say the least. But I am kinda satisfied that almost the whole bunch ended up puking that night, ha! (save the ones who fell aslepp earlier, the pussies :p )
bobvex said:
yeah but you live in Madison, that place is like cheap alcohol Central.

"I've been in bars here and it's like New Years every fuck night. 'Well, New Years, thats when we drink with hats on.' I come here cause basically if i spent four days here drinking, even with the plane ticket it's cheaper than drinking in New York."

- Lewis Black, in Wisconsin
True... but you know what? I'm SOBER when I'm in Madison... I don't drink at all with the exception of the occasional wine and some pisco sour once in a blue moon.
This place is the most fucking boring place in the whole planet! I only get DRUNK when I'm in Hamburg.

The fact that I live and STUDY in Madison also helps... I don't have the time nor the will to hang with stupid, drunk (not to mention ugly) college students.

Sorry Yanko, is it too much for you to handle? ;) :D

Ahh, some good stories, and some scary ones, especially the pills and the broken back, yikes!!!

I mean, ok. Lemme tell my more memorable ones. Numbers 1, 2, and 6 really aren't stories per say as just situations, like with number 6, i'd get wasted Friday and have to work Saturday. I'd wake up late and have to leave around 5, so to cope i'd down a shot or two of vodka before I left so i could do the half hour walk, then be hungover as fuck at work.

Ok, my #9/ #4 story. I think I told this one, but I was at a work party that had a free open bar back in December. So i order first a Red Death and a Vampire and drink them back to back in about ten minutes. (keep in mind I barely had enough water as it was that day.) Red Deaths are pretty vile alone with all the crap in them. Then come the double shots of Jagermeister. I take about 3 of them in 20 mins(6 more shots), and then on comes a frined with a double shot of Jameson. I down this(up to 8). I decide to eat a roast beef sandwitch and plate of hot wings before diving back into the Jagermeister, according to my friend, until they pulled me out, every time she turned around i had another drink in my hand. The final tally they figured was no less than 16 and nearly 18 shots in less than 2 hours, and i weight about 130 pounds. Thus, after doing an alcohol test, i was practically over .6 BAC which put me beyond dead, but i was walking and talking, and able to tell the cab driver where i lived. Well, i climb out, he leaves me on the corner as I start puking the entire nights contents into the gutter, and partially on my jacket. i stagger inside, crawl to my basement and pass out still clothed, waking up several times to puke more until i was just puking bile. I woke up beyond dehydrated, shaking, unable to walk and nearly had alcohol poisoning. But, i made it and drank up not too long after!! :D But i learned my lesson: LOTS of water before massive drinking and no hot wings :p

Not much to tell about my number 8 story except it involved about 7 beers/ciders combined, shots of vodka and an entire bottle of Jack Daniels. Abduction complete. Happend right after i got to Helsinki. :lol:

My number 3 story came after the party i had right before i got to Finland. I drank down half a bottle of Finlandia within an hour before hitting 24 ounce Heinekens. Well, as I was wrestling my friend for one after he said i had enough, i grabbed it, and fell onto my TV antenna(ok, a bit of number 5 but i know what i did here). So then I start played GTA: Vice City, and my friends told me the next day when they saw me, the car wasnt moving and i apparently passed out. I crawled to my bed(i sort of remember this), and i remember my friends sticking around so i wouldnt choke on my own vomit. I wake up, gagged myself and puked. Well, it wasnt enough, so i force fed myself water, inserted my fingers and began my supermodel impression once again, this time finally getting the poison out of my gut. Christ did I feel like shit!! I also fell over a table and poured an entire beer on me that night as well, so twas good! :D

And I am not telling the number 5/possible 7 story. :p Some stories just should not be told.