5 stars of Hangovers

For all the times I've drank, I've only experienced a 3 star hangover. I guess when Im wasted I'd rather go around hittin' on people and spilling orange juice everywhere then drink more.
I only got to 5 star for the follwng reasons...

I drink usually just on weeeknds, so I dotn drink too much than most would and Im a wuss with alcohol.

M freind was pissing me off and is a mooch and was asking for some of my 26er of whiskey, so to be an ass I was drninking as much as I could in his face.

It was actually Fireball Whiskey, which is only 30%, so i figured It was weak and didnt need chasers or anythign with it, so I drank it quick and straight.

Drank the 26er in an hour.

I was in a fieeld, so once I got sick there was no water to calm me down, only more whiskey.

It was a small party in a field, and the cops came to break it up, and I couldnt walk, so that was fun. My friend half m ize carrie me somehow. I then blacked out, and awake 3 hours later around the corner from my house across the entire city, my freind told me I had dropped my wallet somewhere, and threw up into my school bag multiple times while on a full bus.

I was concious, but still incohearant and walked stumbled to my house with my friend, who then let me in my house, and i somehow got up my stairs and to my room. i knocked over 100 thinkgs on the way too. woke up with puke on my bed :( and was too hung over to care.
whoah, that story commands some awe.

one time in a high school graduation trip that's traditional here, i got pissfaced and stopped collecting events at some point in the night. next thing i know it's 11am and people are baffled at some smears in the bathing tub, which looked like someone did a tap dance with muddy shoes. and it smelled weird, not like UGH but fruity, peachy maybe.
so some hours later i find the hoody i was wearing the last night, and it had dry stains of the same stuff on the tub, only that up close, they smelled perfectly like vomit haha, and only then i realized the whole picture.
EagleFlyFree said:
whoah, that story commands some awe.

one time in a high school graduation trip that's traditional here, i got pissfaced and stopped collecting events at some point in the night. next thing i know it's 11am and people are baffled at some smears in the bathing tub, which looked like someone did a tap dance with muddy shoes. and it smelled weird, not like UGH but fruity, peachy maybe.
so some hours later i find the hoody i was wearing the last night, and it had dry stains of the same stuff on the tub, only that up close, they smelled perfectly like vomit haha, and only then i realized the whole picture.

so far you win.
Worst I have ever been was when I graduated college. My friends parents rented a limo bus he happen to graduate at the same time I did. So there was about 20 of us on this limo bus chock full of alcohol. I had a 12 pack of O'Fallon wheat beer (local beer) to myself on the ride to the concert (said friends band). Was already wasted as hell when we got to the bar. I had at least 4 white russians at the bar during the show. The way back on the limo I drank about 6 screwdrivers and half a liter of vadka.

Limo arrives at drop off point in this parking lot near a QT gas station. I remeber going in there and buying something. I walk outside and they had this display of coca-cola products setup. I blacked out right there. Took the whole display with me. Two employees came out to see what the fuck happened, I am just like a 260lb corpse laying there while two of my friends are dragging me to their SUV apologizing to the QT employees. I regained coincessness rambled on about some stuff. Us 3 got back to my place, I knocked over a bunch of shit on my way upstairs and finally passed out on my bed.

The hangover was at least a 4 star one the next day. I also had to work which was made it twice as bad.
Sometimes I wish I had the 5 star one. There's mornings when you'd kill yourself if you only could. You're laying paralyzed on your bed and it feels like someone is hammering you on the head with a 10 ton hammer. Literally. You'd scream for help but you don't dare to move your lips because the headache is so FUCKING insane you don't dare to move any muscle in your body because you know it'd make your head explode.
ive had a level 7 today
woke up at 6:30
puked again (blood)
puked again (blood)
puked again
fell asleep
wokeup and now i can barely even fucntion and I puked so hard that the blood vessels in my face are popping
edit: Slaget vid Blodsalv is It