best instrumental

VomitBubble said:
This is a great thread, I'm always looking for more great instrumental pieces.

"Decoryah - Beryllos" get's my #1.

Well, I reviewed a Russian band called Dark Mass last year, who are a Thrash kinda band, but have no singer; hence their whole cd was instrumental after instrumental.

Nice band too, even when I suggested that an album FULL of instrumentals gets a bit TOO much.
I like the following:

Celtic Frost - "Innocence and Wrath" and "Tears in a Prophet's Dream"
Napalm Death - "Our Pain is their Power"
Sepultura - "Inquisition Symphony"

The earlier Metallica ones like Orion are decent.
Some of mine:
The Wanderer by Emperor
Epilogue by Opeth
Ashes of the Wake by Lamb of God
The Power of Empathy by Burzum
Inside the City of Glass by Katatonia
anything from 'Saurian Meditations' by Karl Sanders