Best israeli band?


\m/ (*_-) \m/
Jul 29, 2001
i'll just go with the trend... :)

who's your favourite israeli band?

mine is Infektzia
i just saw them live today and they rocked!

Even if it's a bit more violent, I prefer Melechesh evn if they don't live in Israel anymore, Orphaned Land is cool too but I haven't heard anything since El Norra Allila !!
well, Salem would be the obvious choice, but i find that none of their material comes to the level of Kaddish, which is quite an amazing album (listen to "Eyes To Match A Soul", "Kaddish" and "Dying Embers"). You also have to mention Orphaned Land, Melechesh (as israeli as they are), Azazel, Arallu, Bartholomous Nights, Arafel and Dalmerot's Kingdom, and a lot of people seem to get very excited about Lehavoth, although i don't appericiate their music much. oh, and don't forget Darksol and Golgolot :rolleyes:

Orphaned Land is cool too but I haven't heard anything since El Norra Allila !!
well, rumors about the next album "Mabool" has been running around forever, now they claim it's right around the corner, hmm, wonder when we heard that before...
Originally posted by Onan
You also have to mention Orphaned Land, Melechesh (as israeli as they are), Azazel, Arallu, Bartholomous Nights, Arafel and Dalmerot's Kingdom, and a lot of people seem to get very excited about Lehavoth, although i don't appericiate their music much. oh, and don't forget Darksol and Golgolot :rolleyes:

i never heard any of those names... :confused:
I have that "Unholy Bands From The Holy Land" LP, which has a couple of great tracks on there. What's the scene like in Israel for shows, etc? I've been there a couple of times but it was when I was much younger, so I didn't really look out for any Metal type stuff :) I just did all the tourist shit with my folks (float in the Dead Sea, look at the wailing wall, etc, etc..).
Salem kicks!!
I think everyone here should give 'em a listen. check out their official site, they got a section with mp3 downloads there:

Lee_B, the "scene" pretty shameful here but we're holding on...:)
Ancient Rites performed here about a 2 months ago along with Salem and Lehavoth. when does Opeth r coming ?? :D
Originally posted by Kabab_k

Lee_B, the "scene" pretty shameful here but we're holding on...:)
Ancient Rites performed here about a 2 months ago along with Salem and Lehavoth. when does Opeth r coming ?? :D
my guess would be "never"

oh, and Lee_B, the israeli scene is considered MIA since 94', but i was just nine years old then, so i have no idea what it was really like.