Best looking male

well, since it was you 2 competiting, you _are_ the loser...:p

then again... I haven´t entered the competition...:grin:

And I won´t since this thread must be the most stupid thread on the forum. well, the title of it anyways...


Edit: smiley correction
Originally posted by Phyros
And I won´t since this thread must be the most stupid thread on the forum. well, the title of it anyways...
:lol: that's true... besides i never ever met the one who started this thread :confused:

ps: ...but... Phyros... i remember you had won back then.. :)
Originally posted by astarte
ps: ...but... Phyros... i remember you had won back then.. :)

Ahem? I did? I´m quite sure there´s only one post in here concerning me and that one is posted by me...:grin:

*browsing through thread*

Yeap, I was right...!

Originally posted by Phyros
Is this the dope thread? Well then... I am also doped, on cookies! I know I shall not eat ´em, and that it isn´t fair to the others, but, HELL! I like them so much! MMmmm Cookies!

-phyros (eating cookies)

the only thing I said, and the only thing refering to me...:p

Some kewl reading tho, since I have ignored this thread from that and on, untill now, when I suddenly thought that, "whatta fuck, am I going to do something about it or just sit around ignoring this stupid thread?"

@Allison... *insert nodding emoticon*


edit: read through the mess, you´ll understand.

-phyros ( ´nuff said )
what the fuck?!?

I can only see the humor in this thread... c'mon! noone could ever
take it all seriously..... could they??
I sure as hell didn't and I thought we had great jolly fun-fun in
here. I think it's funny posting a pic that's obviously a poser
pic :lol:
Well, well. At least this is my view on this. :D

I'm a Norwegian. I'm a viking
Originally posted by Lordenlil

You know what sucks? The vikings didn't have
horns like that on their helmets, at least not the
Norwegian ones... I hate the commercialism of
the horns, that were never there! >:oP If they
had any they were really small, a couple of
centimeters or something...?
Originally posted by The Nomad
I have only seen 1 or 2 instances of corpsepaint being applied welll...

This is one of my fave pics EVER!!!!


It got to me instantly! I don't think I was much
into metal when I saw this pic for the first time,
but I love it to death! It's a former member of
Mayhem --> Euronymous :o) Nice nice nice! :o)
Originally posted by Blackspirit

You know what sucks? The vikings didn't have
horns like that on their helmets, at least not the
Norwegian ones... I hate the commercialism of
the horns, that were never there! >:oP If they
had any they were really small, a couple of
centimeters or something...?

Pfffffffffffffff!!! They had even bigger horns! 50-60 cm long and they
used to gore them into priests around Europe. MUHAHAHA!!!
And the blood from those horns dripped down into the face of the
women that they raped with their 3rd "horn".
So said Snorre Sturluson