Best looking male

Originally posted by BlackFairy
Since we already have this "pic-thread" I think we should also think about voting on the best looking male of this board. Already curious for your suggestions ;)

Since I started posting in UM, there's a man who conquered my heart, the best male here and outside here. He seduced me long ago in the Dark Tranquillity board, and right now I'm in deep love with him. You, Phyros, my man, my machote, come back again, the DT board is so empty without you. I need you, we need you! :grin: :loco:

|ngenius ( :eek: )
I know this for a fact! You don't have to discuss this further, really.
There were horns.... lots of them.. everywhere...

They might have been even longer than I first stated. I am sitting
here with my book, Norges Kongesagaer, (The Norwegian Sagas
Of The Kings... *or something like that*). And it's clearly that
they talk a lot about death and how people (kings in particular)
died in all strange ways, but also about helmets and horns. :grin:
Originally posted by Lordenlil
Pfffffffffffffff!!! They had even bigger horns! 50-60 cm long and they
used to gore them into priests around Europe. MUHAHAHA!!!
And the blood from those horns dripped down into the face of the
women that they raped with their 3rd "horn".
So said Snorre Sturluson
:lol: direct yourself to the happy birthday thread ;)

ps: the DT seems rather "empty" with or without people anyway... it used to be one of my favorite forums :cry:
************** SUMMARY ***************

We stopped talkin' about best-looking male
after Vanir himself claimed 2nd place.

I posted a pic of myself in 'corpse paint' from a damn
Halloween party. We discussed that.

Then there was a pic of a viking with a horned helmet.
We discuss if vikings had horns on their helmets or not....
.. which they had! :grin:
Grrrr!! :mad: They DID NOT have hornes on their helmets *sharpens an axe* ;)

Actually, they most of them didn't even had enough money to even have some sort of helmet, but those found had surely NO hornes... besides, wouldn't it just look immature? ;)
What?? Are you calling the famous viking called Hårek immature?
:( :D

Originally posted by Vanir
Propably not, too complicated to mention you :p

Um? :confused:

thanks for getting me up to date, I can't say anything on the horns on helmet, but I do know that vikings used to be horny buggers after being at seas for too long :p