Best Maiden Singer???

The X Factor is very cool! Easily the most interesting album they've released since 1990.
Lyrically, JoH is bloody awful. It was during the Bayley era that I lost all remaining respect for Harris as a lyric writer. Since then it sounds like he just flicks through a dictionary at random to find words with the right number of syllables. It's nauseating!

The X Factor is a killer album, it just oozes atmosphere. The Edge Of Darkness and 2am are two of my fav Maiden songs, and there is alot of other good stuff on there too.

Virtual XI is weird, I agree that every song is flawed in one way or another (except maybe Como Estais Amigos, awesome song that), but at the same time every song has something about it I dig and has huge potential. It was just handled very poorly. Stoopid Harris. He still comes out with some great lyrics though, not everything he has done since the early 90s has been bad, there is some great shit in there.
yeah i first heard maiden through the X factor, and got into it from there.. bwahahaah! I like that album. Virtual XI has a few OK songs, but overall it is lacking... But in saying that, nearly every album in my opinion has a couple of crap songs on it!! Brave New World is quite good, no really really weak songs (apart from teh repetition).
I'd say that The X Factor and Virtual XI are sorely in need of a remaster, but I'm guessing someone will point out that you can't remaster something that was so poorly recorded in the first place.

I like The X Factor - lots of great songs, but a couple of dodgy ones. Virtual XI has several great songs (Futureal is one of my favourite Maiden tracks) and many more dodgy ones. But both of them have their merits.