Best metal guitar $300 or less?

I have a $300 Kramer Baretta that is, for the price, a very good guitar. It's sort of a cheap Jackson as the body is remarkably similar. I'm looking to upgrade to a Jackson soon, but the Kramer is doing its job well for now. Look on if you're interested.
Don't knock LTD's as they really arn't that bad for the price, personally I would never buy a JS series jackson...they are some of the cheapest things ever made. Not even in korea..INDIA. I've got an LTD m-50 that was the first guitar I ever bought and 3 years later I still play it all the time at home, nothing has broken yet either and it cost me a whole 200 bucks...down to 149 on musiciansfriend now. It's a hell of a lot better then those cheap squire strats especially in playability. Then I have an ltd ex-351 explorer that isn't bad either except for the crappy pickups. I really don't know where LTD got such a bad rep, certainly not worse then jackson's cheap stuff.

If you could possibly go to 400 i'd get a jackson DK-2, lower price you could check into this ibanez here
BulletRider said:
Anything is probablly better than what I am using now, a Squier Affinity Fat Strat.


The jackson I reffered is MUCH better than a squier I'm sure of that
you can also pick up a Bronze Warlock for like $180 and if buy an extra set of good pick ups and still be under the $300 mark And you would have a smokin guitar
fadingessence said:
Don't knock LTD's as they really arn't that bad for the price, personally I would never buy a JS series jackson...they are some of the cheapest things ever made. Not even in korea..INDIA. I've got an LTD m-50 that was the first guitar I ever bought and 3 years later I still play it all the time at home, nothing has broken yet either and it cost me a whole 200 bucks...down to 149 on musiciansfriend now. It's a hell of a lot better then those cheap squire strats especially in playability. Then I have an ltd ex-351 explorer that isn't bad either except for the crappy pickups. I really don't know where LTD got such a bad rep, certainly not worse then jackson's cheap stuff.

If you could possibly go to 400 i'd get a jackson DK-2, lower price you could check into this ibanez here

I dont really know much about LTDS cept for a few horror stories but Ibanez does make a GREAT guitar
BulletRider said:
How about a BC Rich platinum ironbird? are those any good? I looked at the Ibanez RG321 and it looked pretty good.

YEEEEEEEEEEAAAAAAAAAHHHHH dude Ironbirds are great but can you find one for under $300? I played one at the local Guitar store very nice Ofcourse I would say that I love my B.C.'s My old guitar had an Ibanez S Series I dont know which one it was and WOW what a nice guitar The neck is like butter Its light weight Though that particular model was best suited for soloing I dont know about the Rgs
I don't do solos, so that aspect isn't important. I just want something that I can pick fast with (i use .09 strings) and I can move up and down the neck really fast. I think tomorow I will go around town and look at guitars. I hate city busses. Anyways, was the Ironbrid top heavy? I read that in about %75 of the reviews. None of the stores around me carry BC Rich's, so I can't test them out.
BulletRider said:
I don't do solos, so that aspect isn't important. I just want something that I can pick fast with (i use .09 strings) and I can move up and down the neck really fast. I think tomorow I will go around town and look at guitars. I hate city busses. Anyways, was the Ironbrid top heavy? I read that in about %75 of the reviews. None of the stores around me carry BC Rich's, so I can't test them out.

Cool so you dont need a whammy bar thats shaves some off the price.... The one I played Was pretty nice Good heavy Crunch The Body Shape is a bit strange at first and takes a little getting used to but that pretty much goes for any oddly shaped guitar I think If you can get the Iron Bird for $315 GO FOR IT I think it would be the best for your money and yes you can pick fast with it the neck was nice and the pickups were very responsive anyways I'm not much for termonolgy (I cant even spell:-D ) So could you explain what you meant by Top Heavy
BulletRider said:
if you let it go of the neck while wearing the strap, did the top of the guitar go down towards the ground? I'm not a guitar terminology guy either.

OH OH OH That I dont know I was Playing it on my lap It didnt seem to be to top heavy it was pretty well balanced and played great while sitting down but I didnt play it with a strap on