Best Metal Videos


Room of Angel
Jan 13, 2005
Ok so im kinda pretty very drunk, this is my birthday weekend!! I cant believe im 30 on tuesday!!!

So favourite metal videos, try and put them in the order of you favourite!

List as many as you feel you should mention ok!

1: Judas Priest - Painkiller
2: Dimmu Borgir - Progenies of the great Apocalypse
3: Dimmu Borgir - Vredesbyrd
4: Slayer - Seasons in the Abyss
5: AC/DC - Jailbreak
6: Pain - End of the Line
7: Within Temptation - Angels (or any WT vid coz i love the singer!)
8: Lacuna Coil - Swamped
9: Moonspell - I'l see you in my dreams
10: Amon Amarth - In pursuit of Vikings
11: Arch Enemy - We will Rise
12: Alice Cooper - Gimmie
1: Back Seat education - Zodiac Mindwarp (Funny As Hell)
2: One - Metallica
3: You Shook Me All Night long - AC/DC
4: Hot For Teacher - Van Halen
5: I love It Loud - Kiss
6: I Wanna Rock - Twisted Sister
need to think some more will add to later
I always thought the scenes shot into run to the hills and the trooper really caught the fast paced feel of the songs. Those 2 would give me goosebumps back in the day cause i was huge into Maiden and it was very rare that you would see them played..

Most of my favorites are sexually induced like Billy Idols rock the cradle of love,Motley Crues Girls Girls Girls, ....its been so long ,i cant remember any other videos off the top of my head

My favorite ,I dont think its been made yet...Saxon playing in the woods at night time with burning poles behind them with clips of the old Vincent Price movie Withcfinder general cut into it ....that would be cool
Fred B said:
My favorite ,I dont think its been made yet...Saxon playing in the woods at night time with burning poles behind them with clips of the old Vincent Price movie Withcfinder general cut into it ....that would be cool

That sounds rather like Iron Maiden's 'Bring Your Daughter To The Slaughter' video (although i haven't seen it for about 13 years, so i could be wrong) :flame:
pretty much... bring your daughter uses scenes from another fav 60s horror film called City of the Dead(aka Horror hotel) but the first time i heard Withfinder Geberal i could picture this great video for it with scenes from that Vincent price movie cut between the band playing outside. I gotta call their agent. I can see them in the dark outside jamming with witches burned on poles in the would be a pretty cool video.
Fred B said:
pretty much... bring your daughter uses scenes from another fav 60s horror film called City of the Dead(aka Horror hotel) but the first time i heard Withfinder Geberal i could picture this great video for it with scenes from that Vincent price movie cut between the band playing outside. I gotta call their agent. I can see them in the dark outside jamming with witches burned on poles in the would be a pretty cool video.

I've got 'Horror Hotel' starring Christopher Lee, on dvd. I watched it last week!! Good film for the time (1960 black and white). It cost a pound from Poundland in York :rock:
Now go back and check out the bring your daughter to the slaughter video. You will get a kick out of it..remeber in the movie the blond girl going into the basement where all the witches are?? All those scenes are in the video....Its pretty cool. The movie is really good for its time.. Christopher Lee isnt in it a great deal but, i love the atmoshpere with all the fog in the streets. Scenes from the horror movie Witchfinder General (aka conqueror worm) with all its english countryside settings and burnig of the witches ,would go so great in a Saxon video for that song.