Your Favourite Rock/Metal Music Videos...

The Cure - "Lullabye"
Megadeth - "Go to Hell"
Alice In Chains - "I Stay Away"
anything by Marilyn Manson (say what you will about his music, his videos are creepy as hell)
immortal - call of the wintermoon

nothing comes close. also i don't think i've ever seen a video for a "legitimate" metal band, guys are talking about videos for slayer and burzum and all, i dunno if they're from dvd extras or what...but then i don't really watch tv anyway
to be honest, i'll support ontario metal no more than i support any other good metal. the only reason i'd do otherwise would be if the band was hideously underappreciated.

not trying to start an argument or anything, just tossing in my 2 cent.
Jim LotFP said:
There are no good music videos.

Cathedral's Midnight Mountain is funny though.
UnFUCKINGbelievable video. As all Cathedral videos. But saying that there are no good music videos is dumb.
Anyway i recently saw again after years the one with some penguins marching, i think the music is from Jean Michelle Jarre, i'm not sure. One of the most beautiful videoclips i ever seen.