Best Metronome under $50


Oct 31, 2005
I'm looking to get a decent Metronome for the studio. I want something that will atleast do 3 or 4 different patterns so I can do timed tempo changes during a song.....and I need something that will hook into a firepod so I can record with it.

Whats' the best band for the buck Metronome out there?
I'm looking to get a decent Metronome for the studio. I want something that will atleast do 3 or 4 different patterns so I can do timed tempo changes during a song.....and I need something that will hook into a firepod so I can record with it.

Whats' the best band for the buck Metronome out there?

i dont think there's a stand alone unit that you can do tempo changes.....the only thing that i know that will do something like that are standalone the Roland MC-50 which you may find on ebay for real $50. have been using that sequencer for 11 years and i wouldnt trade it for any daw sequencer is stable and wont freeze up on you....ever
honestly, i would stick the click inside your DAW, assuming it can be programmed for tempo/timing changes

the sounds of most of them suck, though - i know the "beep" in cubase blows ass...however the studio @ my school used to have a UREI rackmount metronome, which has been considered the "standard" for years and years now - before they ditched the unit, they sampled the click, and i'll probably copy the sample and bring it home with me sometime in the next few days.

if you'd like, i can post the sample and share it for anyone who wants a damn good click that will cut through a mix, but not bleed out of the phones or flat-out get on your nerves.
I like having a cheap digital metronome for when I'm travelling, or when I want to practice, and I don't want to have to go through the process of opening my DAW software just to get a click...also, at least for me, in Pro Tools LE, sometimes the click actually fucks up, it happens very rarely, but sometimes for 1 beat in a whole take, the click will be delayed or I prefer to have a cheap, dedicated, hardware metronome for practice.

I'd say go to your nearest music store and ask them to show you all the metronomes that are in your price range. Thats what I did, and I got a very decent BOSS metronome thats digital, does different time signatures, has adjustable volume for different parts of the beat, etc.

If you want to do crazy time signature changes and such, you'll probably have to stick to a MIDI program or your DAW....its hard to find even high-end metronomes and drum machines that do that, and if they do, the interface is usually absolutely horrible.
I have one, works great - honestly, a metronome is a metronome, I don't think you need to do to much comparison shopping beyond it having the features you want
I'm looking to get a decent Metronome for the studio. I want something that will atleast do 3 or 4 different patterns so I can do timed tempo changes during a song.....and I need something that will hook into a firepod so I can record with it.

Whats' the best band for the buck Metronome out there?

Aren't you using Reaper now? The metronome inside the DAW is perfect. Any reasons for wanting an external unit?
well the stock beeps are horrid. And can Reaper do timed tempo changes??

Just play with the frequencies a bit, you can get them to sound bearable. Or you can use a sample of whatever you want... you could use the sound of a hammer against a metal pole if you really wanted to....

As for the tempo changes, Yes!

Just insert a time signature marker at whatever point you need to change the temp at. Very easy to do, I find it much easier than Cubase.

Edit- You can also use the tempo change envelope control and automate gradual changes, slow downs over a period of time, etc, etc.... Very cool.
sweet.....I'll give Reaper's metronome a shot and see if I can fiqure out all the signatures and markers and stuff.

Anyone got some decent metronome samples? I should I just play with the frequencies?
i've always used the metronome in guitar pro, but i usually program the guitar parts in with it, and create a midi file of both...i just use a bongo sample with a high end boost for the click, it cuts thru obnoxiously!