Best Nevermore solo ever?

No one EVER talks about this song because its seen as kind of a filler track on EoR, but Noumenon has a fucking sweet solo in the background.

Other than that, my list goes:

-Matricide < Another underrated solo. It basically solidifies Warrel's message by adding a shitload of emotion. Man...
-Final Product < the hair on my neck stands up when Jeff does those slide in vibratos.. fuck (2:35)
-Deconstruction < my first nevermore song, solo fucking rips
-Engines of hate < what gets me is that it was completely improvised in the studio... how the fuck?

But in all seriousness, every solo owns.
no one ever talks about the HEART COLLECTOR solo but i think it's amazing. its short and to the point but it's just overflowing with emotion. i think it fits the song's concept absolutely perfectly. it's got a heartbreaking feel to it...

but his BEST solo is definitely engines of hate. improvised in the studio?!?!?!?! i dont get it either. river dragon is another cool one. theyre all great, though.
Devy_Metal said:
no one ever talks about the HEART COLLECTOR solo but i think it's amazing. its short and to the point but it's just overflowing with emotion. i think it fits the song's concept absolutely perfectly. it's got a heartbreaking feel to it...

but his BEST solo is definitely engines of hate. improvised in the studio?!?!?!?! i dont get it either. river dragon is another cool one. theyre all great, though.

good choice. /Heart Collector is the first song that really grabbed me and turned me into a big NEvermore fan. It fucking owns.