Since the end of the year is nigh upon us, thought that it would be most apt for the usual thread about the bands, songs and albums that really made your year and rocked your world. 
For me, first off, is Dethklok - The Dethalbum from the cartoon Metalocalypse.
this really surprised me as a album.
It is solid, with amazingly written and performed songs that are really catchy and headbangable.
Honestly, this is an album that I seriously recommend people looking into it and the cartoon series if you have the chance.
Mind's Eye - A Gentleman's Hurricane
This is another album that simply blew me away.
It's a modern Operation: Mindcrime in terms of style and structure -the story of a killer trying to figure out why he is what he is and how it all came to this point in his life.
Though it's not some cookie cutter conceptual clone of Mindcrime -far from it.
This is an album that truly stands on its own and a must have for prog fans.
Alchest - Souvenirs D'un Autre Monde (Memories from another world).
French former black metaller Alchest really delievered the best atmospheric metal album of the year with Souvenirs D'un Autre Monde.
It's rich, smooth and really enters your mind, sending you off to some peaceful place.
One of my utter favourites.
Taliesin - The Tally Of Lies & Sin
Simply put, one of the best prog metal albums I have heard in a long time.
These boys put a lot (and I do mean a lot) of time into making this album and it pays off so much.
Definitely a must have CD.
PM me if you would like to purchase a copy.
Yakuza - Transmutations
Another fav from a great American Jazz fusion band.
Makes Mastodon look like nothing in terms of technical ability, especially time and sequence shifts mid riff.
Powerwolf - Lupus Dei
This band surprised me -think of a fusion of Iron Maiden, the Misfits and Alice Cooper. Horror Power Metal with theatrics but solid catchy songs too.
Deathspell Omega - Fas - Ite, Maledicti, In Ignem Aeternum
This was another album that totally blew me away.
the most intelligent and well constructed Black Metal album that I have ever heard.
Amazing technical fills and intelligent content, a definite must have.
Well, that is all for now.
Will post more as soon as I remember other albums from this year.

For me, first off, is Dethklok - The Dethalbum from the cartoon Metalocalypse.
this really surprised me as a album.
It is solid, with amazingly written and performed songs that are really catchy and headbangable.
Honestly, this is an album that I seriously recommend people looking into it and the cartoon series if you have the chance.
Mind's Eye - A Gentleman's Hurricane
This is another album that simply blew me away.
It's a modern Operation: Mindcrime in terms of style and structure -the story of a killer trying to figure out why he is what he is and how it all came to this point in his life.
Though it's not some cookie cutter conceptual clone of Mindcrime -far from it.
This is an album that truly stands on its own and a must have for prog fans.
Alchest - Souvenirs D'un Autre Monde (Memories from another world).
French former black metaller Alchest really delievered the best atmospheric metal album of the year with Souvenirs D'un Autre Monde.
It's rich, smooth and really enters your mind, sending you off to some peaceful place.
One of my utter favourites.
Taliesin - The Tally Of Lies & Sin
Simply put, one of the best prog metal albums I have heard in a long time.
These boys put a lot (and I do mean a lot) of time into making this album and it pays off so much.
Definitely a must have CD.
PM me if you would like to purchase a copy.
Yakuza - Transmutations
Another fav from a great American Jazz fusion band.
Makes Mastodon look like nothing in terms of technical ability, especially time and sequence shifts mid riff.
Powerwolf - Lupus Dei
This band surprised me -think of a fusion of Iron Maiden, the Misfits and Alice Cooper. Horror Power Metal with theatrics but solid catchy songs too.
Deathspell Omega - Fas - Ite, Maledicti, In Ignem Aeternum
This was another album that totally blew me away.
the most intelligent and well constructed Black Metal album that I have ever heard.
Amazing technical fills and intelligent content, a definite must have.
Well, that is all for now.
Will post more as soon as I remember other albums from this year.