best pic from kayo dot show tonight

Paul: You coulda asked in Cambridge. My place was 15 minutes away and we needed to expose the kitten to new people anyhow.

Also: Alex, when next we meet, Azal has asked me to give you a Serbian Stink Bomb in the face.
This weekend BodyRemover and I will make an effort to document the ass fire phenomenon, but until then, enjoy last week's nose intrusion fun.

Novembers Paul said:
LOL! That's what we all did. We used Febreze, Axe Body spray, and the Downey spray de-wrinkler. All of those will be your close friends.

woah, what exactly is downy spray de-wrinkler?! i've never heard of it before, but it sounds perfect.
1 = that's me, that's me!

i love dewrinkling! not so much lately as a few months ago when i was at my dewrinkling peak, but it still remains a much loved hobby/obsession of mine. i'm planning to buy a small travel clothes steamer for this trip so i can dewrinkle all day in the van. when i run out of my own articles of clothing to dewrinkle, i'll move onto dewrinkling my bandmates' clothes. (i have a big can of starch too.)

sometimes i feel like i should just give into the whole asian stereotype and just open up my own dry cleaning business. :(
I have perfected my silent farts. And with a straight face, I'm sure I can get away with blaming Greg for all my SBD's!
coelacanth_M said:
1 = that's me, that's me!

i love dewrinkling! not so much lately as a few months ago when i was at my dewrinkling peak, but it still remains a much loved hobby/obsession of mine. i'm planning to buy a small travel clothes steamer for this trip so i can dewrinkle all day in the van. when i run out of my own articles of clothing to dewrinkle, i'll move onto dewrinkling my bandmates' clothes. (i have a big can of starch too.)

sometimes i feel like i should just give into the whole asian stereotype and just open up my own dry cleaning business. :(

Like the chain of laundrymats/dry cleaners in Southern Illinois (near St. Louis) called "Washy Washy"! True story...they look like they're right out of the 50's. Like the land time forgot...
btw, where are the REST of these pictures? are they all non-mia approved? did i miss a post? am i drinking too much robitussin?