best picture ever

yes, bastard

and exhumed is great, if you like goregrind. i havnt seen much of a goregrind contingency on here though. and i prolly hacked up the spelling on that
This is music. Not performance art.

If you want stage presence, go see My Dying Bride, Portishead or Paradise Lost.

Vomiting on cue is a lame gimmick. Then again, when you play music as dull as Exhumed does there's really no other way to get attention than to make an ass out of yourself.

Also, I don't understand what you mean by "i havnt seen much of a goregrind contingency on here though". Is there some impending goregrind accident we are all unaware of? I do not understand.
nergal_S said:
I saw that band play live last year,
worst band ever, each song is like 43 sec long,
realy realy gay. Its all about show and no substance

Oh, come now. I know it is all about personal taste, but the above quote is silly. I thought they were realy realy (heh!) great live. WHo cares if the songs are only 43 seconds long (even though that is a huge inaccuracy)??

And the business about the puking? Come on folks, lighten up. It is goregrind for cripes sake. You are not supposed to take it seriously. I personally thought the puking part was hilarious and a lot of fun. The place went nuts when they stopped right in the middle of a song and that guy let 'er rip.

Anyway, just wanted to lodge my vote for Exhumed. They are a GREAT live band.
What are you talking about? This is the best picture ever.

Yeah, it' so good I have to use it in my signature too. But how the fuck do you do it smaller? It's enormous! Stupid shit. Do I have to use HTML or what?
he can do it on command, if you notice he really compresses his stomach. but he doesnt stick his finger in his throat. im not sure exactly how he does it.

its entertaining though. its entertaining when the vocalist of skytzo (bay area thrash band) does it. i saw him with deeds of flesh saturday and he puked for distance. he made it bout to the middle of the pit haha. and the craziest thing about that was a fan WANTED him to puke on him. that was nuts, but entertaining as fuck