Best places to advertise yourself online ?


Mat or Mateo
Jan 20, 2008
Montpellier, France

I'm currently producing my first album (a long EP actually). I would be interested to know where I could advertise myself, even before it actually is available (with a few videos, teasers etc). I can find many places just with "forum metal" on google, but I thought I should ask.

If it was possible to shamelessly advertise oneself on them, it could be nice (cause some forums don't accept that). So that I could copy/paste the "news" quickly on all of them without being off their rules.

Also, as seen in my sig, it's mostly prog (though not too technical, more like Between the buried and me / Porcupine Tree or stuff like that) so do you know any good places where it could interest people ? I've found a few specialized places but there are so many..

Also, you guys will hear about it for the first time soon, I hope, with a few goodies or stems maybe :)
No idea on the best.

But the worst is spamming myspace. Nothing goes in the trash faster than a band asking me to "check us out!"

I rarely use myspace and pretty much the only thing left is a statement redirecting to my website, but I still check messages and the 2 most annoying are spam messages asking me to check out their band (usually shitty no offense) or services but some fuckwit "producer, record manger, beat maker."

The band thing just goes in the trash, but the "world wide record producer" shit gets spam marked.
Of course I will send stuff to every webzine. But some teasering here and there would pre-launch. some mouth to mouth maybe.

About myspace... well, does it still exist ? :)
make a bandcamp for your band. Post your teaser songs on there and the album when it comes out. Then send people the link for the site. Post it everywhere you can think of. FB, myspace, twitter, blogs, forums, etc. Link to it in your sig like I do in mine. That's all I have for now
hum and what if it recently got taken by a straight edge hardcore band with the exact same name ?

@guitarpaya18 : yeah but that's exactly what I'm after : since I don't read or use any other forum, which are the most viewed / read ones ? i have absolutely no clue of a blog, for example. I can search randomly on the internet but do you know some interesting ones ?
Try Facebook ads. You can get pretty good amount of clicks for a few bucks and you can choose precisely who you want to market your link (for example to 16-35 year old people who've liked Devin, BTAM, Cynic or Tesseract). Free downloads with encouragement to share the link on social media "as a payment" might work. Make it as easy as possible, putting the "like this" buttons there is the easiest thing in the world. There's also possibility to have the free download available only for those who post the link on fb/twitter first. Probably no point in that, since it might piss people of (and also remove the link afterwards). Making a fucking awesome record to generate natural word of mouth action might work also :D