Places to stick your ....

This is just a silly topic.


I received a couple of FREE stickers from SC with my mailorder. Now I've stuck some on my guitarcase and on my effects unit. SC also suggests you stick them on your forehead. (I'm still considering this).

Now I'd like to ask you, if you own any, what are the best or craziest places you've stuck them on?

And if you don't own any maybe you could still help me fantasizing about places where they might be stuck, like on the windows of the pope's mobile streetcar.

C'mon. It'll be fun. :)

We've stuck them on the craziest places.
I remember Marcel and I stuck them on all the trash containers at the BosPop/Dynamo fest last year. Also, I stuck a ton of them on the fence in front of the stage.
Also (since I had a backstage pass), I stuck them all over the place backstage. Even on Biohazard's flightcases :D
Other than that: on a zillion traffic signs, cars, walls, doors. You name it :)

Please don't be thrifty. If you're out of stickers, we'd be happy to send you a new pile :headbang:

Redelijk said:
We've stuck them on the craziest places.
I remember Marcel and I stuck them on all the trash containers at the BosPop/Dynamo fest last year. Also, I stuck a ton of them on the fence in front of the stage.
Also (since I had a backstage pass), I stuck them all over the place backstage. Even on Biohazard's flightcases :D
Other than that: on a zillion traffic signs, cars, walls, doors. You name it :)


rofl :lol: No wonder you're famous!! And all the time I 've been thinking it was the music.

We have our promotion down nicely ;)
I litterally covered France with stickers when I was on tour with Bumblefoot last year.
Every place I went, I had to leave at least one sticker. And the crew helped me too.
So each restaurant, backstage room, conservatory, music store... Everywhere we went, there's at least one sticker on the door or something :)

There were actually quite some Sun Caged fans at those concerts (I actually signed several Sun Caged demo-cd's on that tour) so I handed out some piles of stickers to French fans too. Someone recently emailed me saying the metro in Paris was covered with Sun Caged stickers :lol:

There should be a sticker on your guitar ;)

They stick nicely on (other peoples') cars too, by the way.
They're guaranteed weather-proof.

I only got one sticker, and it´s too worthfull for me to stick it somewhere, so i put it on a wall in my room (without really "sticking" it there, if you know what i mean).
But i would love to spam Germany with Stickers, if you still got some you don´t need :)
At least one is ment to be put on my scooter, so everyone who drives behind me has to read it :D

As I said before, you guys got my support. If you like to, i could give out flyers when you´re album is released so ppl here buy it. Just gimme a note if you got something like a flyer.

Email me your addy and I'll send you a good pile of stickers. If you promise to put them all over Germany ;)

keeper of the flame said:
I put some of them on backstage doors in De Flint -Amersfoort last night and in a dressing room. :)

So they're waterproof? Watch out, cars!
I'd like to put one on Kelly Osbourne's mouth too, btw.


Progsymphorocker said:
maybe its an id for sun caged to make fake tatoo's and put them in special sun caged bubblegum :D:D
i guess my whole body wil be tatooed then
Good one :)

Do the SC stickers have the SC URL on them? When I get some with my hoody (which I'll order this friday), I'll pollute the local venues with them if they do.
And if I have my hoody soon, I'll be wearing it when I play a series of gigs I have coming up :)