Possible visit to Australia July 2013

Arrived in Launceston.
Walked 20 min with all my stuff to my hostel, it was closed another 2 hours.
Walked 20 min back to a place I want to visit, still witj all mt bags, it was closed all dat today...
Walked up to the James Boags brewery, signed up for the tour 90 mins later, then found out I can't drink beer here before the tour.

What a day so far!!

Will do the tour and tasting, then walk back 30 mins to my hostel to finally check in.
Getting tipsy in Launceston
Maybe the strong mead, or those fairly strong ciders, or the beers, or not enough food?
Ah screw it, I'm having fun!

Got some nice scenery today on my walk around Cataract Gorge.

Tomorrow on to Hobart!

My last night with internet though, only some 2+ hours left, less I find wifi there will be a few days of quiet until I get back home.
And to be honest, haven't seen my girl in 5 weeks once I land, so not sure I will find interbet at home the first week either...
Trip about to end.
Have one full day in Hobart tomorrow, then Saturday fly to Sydney.
Sunday fly back home, yay 25 hours trip.

Around 445 beers written down, with some duplicates etc should be at least 400 new ratings.

Will take some time to add it all to the database...
Made it to Devonport, Tasmania, what a ghost town!

Rough ferry ride over, many ppl spewing their guts out.

Thanks heaps Gaz and Clint for taking care of me on the mainland, cheers!

you're welcome, bro! it was great having you here for the week. i've had nothing but cravings for all those delicious beers that we tried since you left haha!

hope your flight back home is a safe one!

until next time! :rock:
Made it to Singapore, waiting for the flight to Frankfurt, then finally Gothenburg if I make the short layover.

Has been an amazing trip, but will be good to come home too, especially after this lobg travel day.
Impossible to say, need a few weeks to digest this massive holiday, not sure I'll be able to say even after that.

Might be able to narrow it down to my fav place in each city I visited.

Most ppl I met were very friendly though, once more struck me with the fact that a lot of swedes are ungrateful rude fuckers who only care about their immediate surrounding. Now a lot of places in the US and Oz have with their friendly ways showed me that I live in a country where most ppl don't give two shits about you if they don't know you.

Only been out of the door for a few minutes today and really fast realize how bad of an attitude most ppl have around you, boo Swedish ppl!
Gone through my notes, added/updated all my ratebeer place reviews for Singapore, also added when applicable and rated all the beers from Singapore.

While doing this I also wrote a blog covering the trip, adding some photos, info about places, breweries, bars, some links etc for anyone possibly wanting to go to Singapore and wanting some help for where to go etc.

So, if you have spare time and want to know more about what I did in Singapore, here goes (and yes, it is written in English)


More posts will follow over the coming weeks for the other cities, it does take quite some time to write though, and currently have other priorites than writing much, but it will get there eventually