How to start your own "True Metal" band....

Originally posted by U[Sic]M
rahvin, this thread is rascist and insulting to my particular ethnical group. He is dissing swedish people!!! For this, he must be dealt with harshly, preferrably with a hammer of war, axe of destruction or a sword of metal _and_ steel! GO!

dear reader,

i heed your cry for help and plan to proceed at setting the record straight as soon as dwarfishly possible. however, i seem to have misplaced my sword of metal_and_steel after that kinky accident with the dukess of buburien. hence my reluctance to deal harshly with anything meaner than a snail.
i will contact all you swedish people individually as soon as i got back my weapons and kidnapped the daughter of a telephone company manager.

rahvin. (don't get ethnic to me)
Originally posted by rahvin
however, i seem to have misplaced my sword of metal_and_steel

WTF?! You LIVE by that sword, man!!!

You better not have misplaced your good ol´ geetar of doom and kick-ass, lest you will have to be demoted to non-metul person.
Originally posted by U[Sic]M
You better not have misplaced your good ol´ geetar of doom and kick-ass, lest you will have to be demoted to non-metul person.

right now i have a pair of blunt scissors of mayhem and a headache about my general persona. does it help?

That will have to do for now. That is, until you have reclaimed what is rightfully yours (i.e. Sword of metal _and_ steel), using extreme metal force and cunning tactics.

Now, go out and do some battle on the infidels, son!
@Rahvin: Can I help you? Surely there are tones of papers and administrative work to do, and I can manage it so well. In the meanwhile you can get harnessed and fight against those "I hate the glorious powah metal, specially italians and swedish headbangers" hordes. ;)

|ngenius (The almighty and powerful robot)
i don't see why poor metal_and_steel had his sword taken away from him in the first place.

"power" should be changed to "lone".

"ranger" should be changed to "wolf".

"lone" should be changed to "were".

i don't know what to say next (in a general sense, but it applies here too).
