How many original Cds do you own?

RampageSword said:
I got the classical alphabetical-release year classification too. Except for Dark Tranquillity albums, which are on top of my wall unit :)


I have them in alphabetical order to, and from oldest to newest release. If I'd have all DT's cds I probably have them apart with some other favourites.
RampageSword said:
Stop complaining and buy those albums!

I'm taken cash donations right now, since I'm more less broke so I can't but the albums. If you're interested in giving me money, I'll give you my debit card number :p .
BastardSonOfGod said:
And to the people that said that have almost 1000 Original Cds (or 800 or 600)... show me a picture of those Cds!...
As you wish...


Bit more than 1000 I think.

See for a list (also includes vinyl).
Around 4,500 CDs, 1800 cassettes, 900 LPs. Many different genres, mostly some sort of metal. But I love Modern Rock, 80s stuff and lots of other stuff too.

This is one of my walls with the Kreator photos I did above it and some of my dragon collection on it:


I don't have a picture posted of my other wall or the 11 CD caselogic things that have my promo flat cds in them. The majority of my CDs are listen on my website, but DEFINITELY not all of them. And not all CDs by a band are listed either - I just went in order of what was on my wall at that time. A bunch are still in boxes from when I moved.
gaz said:
Here is one case, I have another that is full.
Plus vinyl....

Wow, although I hate Nightwish, that's quite a collection youhave there. Congrats :kickass: (a friend of mine literally said: that lousy mother f*****).