coldthrn: how much would a DIY 512c cost to build myself?
coldthrn: how much would a DIY 512c cost to build myself?
Also, Radial unveiled some lunchbox modules of their own, a DI and something else if I remember correctly at the recent NAMM show. Not of any interest to me but it goes to show that people are still making things for the lunchbox.
There is any launch box for two API 512 C? In the API web the launch box is for 6 slots... too much for me!
Looks like A Designs has one too (500HR), for a bit cheaper (330 euros, probably under 300 USD across the pond):
Avedis seems to have a 2-slot 19" rack version (Avedis R52) for them:
But the problem is twofold:
1) Very few stores have it
2) It costs the same as the API 6-way lunchbox
So personally I would just get the 6-way lunchbox and leave the other slots be.
Looks like A Designs has one too (500HR), for a bit cheaper (330 euros, probably under 300 USD across the pond):
I definitely think the modular 500-series stuff is the best bet; you can get an Avedis 2-slot chassis for like $450 (or an A-designs for $300, dunno what the quality difference is), and then modules from API, Chandler, Great River, Purple Audio, Shadow Hills - really, all the big name desirables! And you can get a bunch of different ones without having to pay for a new power supply each time!