best saturation plugins for vocals?

Sep 15, 2008
I know there are several topics where it talks about this thing but I would like to know what plugins you use saturation
for vocals nowadays (commercial and free).
I never used saturation for scream vocals and want to see what are the best options.

I would appreciate your answers.
Honestly I dont mean to sound harsh but it's a stupid question. And the usual answer is the one you like best and fit the mix. In the next mix it might be another saturation doing the job best. There's no such thing as the best saturation, compressor, EQ etc. It all depends on what you want to achieve with a mix.
I don't know if this one counts as saturation but camel crusher seems to work well on some cleans and screams as long as you don't overdo it, and it's free. A lot of people has been saying that Slate VCC works wonderful but I haven't tried this one and it's not free.
Screams usually end up using a Sansamp or a rat distortion or something and blend it with the dry to gain the desired effect. As mentioned above this will change mix to mix, seeing as the point of it is to get it to gel with whatever else is going on.
Slate's VCC > VTM driving both really hard produces cool results.
Also, the saturation section of UBK-1 if dialed in properly is always cool.

All three of those are definitely not free haha. Worth the money though ;)
Honestly I dont mean to sound harsh but it's a stupid question. And the usual answer is the one you like best and fit the mix. In the next mix it might be another saturation doing the job best. There's no such thing as the best saturation, compressor, EQ etc. It all depends on what you want to achieve with a mix.

I'm not talking about 'the best' saturation plugin man...I'm not used to using saturation for vocals and want to know good options to try.

I don't know if this one counts as saturation but camel crusher seems to work well on some cleans and screams as long as you don't overdo it, and it's free. A lot of people has been saying that Slate VCC works wonderful but I haven't tried this one and it's not free.

Thanks. Downloading Camel Crusher.

Screams usually end up using a Sansamp or a rat distortion or something and blend it with the dry to gain the desired effect. As mentioned above this will change mix to mix, seeing as the point of it is to get it to gel with whatever else is going on.

Thanks man.

This one works well for me most of the time. If you don't like the other parts of the strip you can turn them off.
+1 for Decapitator, though as stated - this changes from song to song / mix to mix and there are many to choose from.

My advice: try one. (any one).

Get to know it, what it can do - what you can make it do, etc....then try another.
I quite like the Reaper bundled JS effect LOSER/Saturation. I use it gently on vocals and as needed on distorted guitars.
I use decapitator, logic's clip distortion (this one rules hard) or amp simulation (I do this in parallel as opposed to just strapping it on the track) in conjunction with slate vcc and waves 1176, or the 1176 emulation on the liquid mix getting about 20 db of reduction with fast attack, late release.
I use decapitator, logic's clip distortion (this one rules hard) or amp simulation (I do this in parallel as opposed to just strapping it on the track) in conjunction with slate vcc and waves 1176, or the 1176 emulation on the liquid mix getting about 20 db of reduction with fast attack, late release.

Thanks man.;)
For kind of a classic/80s/90s rock kind of sound I like to combine the vocal filter preset on the Waves SSL Channel with a regular vocal preset then use PSPMixSaturator. I'm curious about getting that screaming vocal distortion too so awesome thread.