best saturation plugins for vocals?

I use a combination of UBK-1 pushed really hard so it clips on louder phrases but blended maybe 50/50, this is in combination with Decapitator that's just distorting the midrange which is again blended under the dry vocal.

This is pretty much the closest I can get ITB to a Distressor with Dist2, HP, link and notch engaged :(
Nothing beats my LA-610. Hit it hard and squash with the compressor.
I have never heard a plugin that can do anything like it.

If it has to be plugins I love the CLA76 and Satson and Reelbus.
In the box its Massey Tapehead (love it on vocals!), UBK-1 (killer on drums) and the much overlooked Digidesign Real Tape Saturation (subtle, but fattens things up nicely) for me. But yeah, driving a transformer pre into heavy saturation can just do the trick on the way in.
All of these suggestions are great, I would also suggest trying guitar amps with just a little drive or SLAMMING it with compression. I've also had some good results with driving the gain up on compressors til it starts to get gnarly.