Best Snare Head?


Mar 11, 2008
Hi, I am currently looking for a snare head and not quite sure which one ot get.
I am looking to get a rather muffled sound with not too much overtones (not grindcore but also not "gaffataped to death").
Any suggestions?
(If I had to give a sound preference: Horizons - Parkway Drive, that snare's pretty sweet)
Fucking LOVE Evans Genera HD Dry on snare. Everytime I get a snare sound I am happy with, it's with that on the snare.
My tech and I have used everything under the sun and we keep coming back to the Remo Controlled Sound. It's essentially an Ambassador with a center dot to help control overtones.
Either of the above are good choices.
If it's a metal snare I'd go for the HD Dry, if it's wood I'd probably use the Remo CS.
You can get good results out of powerstroke 3, ambassador and evans power centre too.
Fucking LOVE Evans Genera HD Dry on snare. Everytime I get a snare sound I am happy with, it's with that on the snare.

Ditto. Trevoire is right on the money, putting one of those on a metal snare really helps get rid of that extra "ping" without actually muffling the snare. Sounds good on wood snares as well.
My drummer is fond of the Remo Weatherking with the damping ring. Never tried to mic it up, but it sound massive in the room.
Thx guys,
I think I'll try both the Evans Dry ( which I did not like on my former Wood Snare) and the ambassador CS.
I got a Brass Snare btw (some Italian Brand, forgot the name).
Remo Controlled sound or emporor X. gotta be able to hit it in the middle every time though, or it'll sound like garbage.
Tryed emperor X on last session I did... I'm not really fan of it:lol:
Plan to try some aquarian (have one brand new ready for a shoutout) and ambasador on future...
Thx guys,
I think I'll try both the Evans Dry ( which I did not like on my former Wood Snare) and the ambassador CS.
I got a Brass Snare btw (some Italian Brand, forgot the name).

FWIW the Evans Dry is the only snare head that made my old Pearl Brass Free Floater sound good with just the head being tuned, no muffling of any sort.
Tamburo that's right!
Well P.M. at 20th of October, when I'm back in Germany, then we can see if i can get you some ;)
Ambassador on my sonor snare, sounds like complete shit!

If a snare sounds like shit with such a standard head as Remo CS installed, it's your snare that's crap, or you're just not doing it right...

I agree with some others, Remo CS all the way.