Best USB interface?


New Metal Member
Jul 13, 2007
Looking to get good quality recordings, but unfortunately my Macbook doesn't have firewire (its the new model.) I want a firestudio :waah:
So I am curious what is the best USB interface for it. Not the requires protools, I do not want to use protools, I would like to use basic stuff like garageband. Just something like SM57-->interface/hardware-->computer-->garageband or something basic.
Cost doesn't matter.

(drop tuned death/metal/core/melodeath/etc.)

Well on Windows systems the EMU USB stuff suffers from the deal-breaking flaw of not being able to run simultaneous WDM and ASIO streams, meaning if you have Reaper/Cubase/whatever open, you can't play back music/youtube/whatever :Smug: Might be different on Macs with CoreAudio or whatnot, but then again, it might not, you'll want to investigate I'd say!

Beyond that, my housemate just got a Presonus Audiobox that works great; it seems like the best option for its price, though I'd go for the Edirol UA-25 (if you can afford it) without a doubt!
I just bought the M-audio mobile pre USB....the one with 2 XLR inputs and the 1/4 outs for monitors. I just posted a clip with my 5150 combo in the rate my tone thread if you wanna hear how it sounds. It only does 16 bit 48, but works for me for $149.
Also check out the edirol m16dx. Its a mixer/interface in one (well, technically 2 pieces). I snagged one on ebay for $150 shipped, and it is really quite nice. 16 channels (4 xlr) and the preamps are pretty good. Plus it can send each track independently, not just the stereo mix (although it can do that as well).

I dont have any complaints about the drivers.

Its a little odd because it is 2 separate pieces, but its easy to get use to. If you can fnd one cheap, I'd recommend it. Probably not the absolute best, but definitely not the worst.
Wait wait wait - jex, you're saying this Edirol has 16 independent channels of A/D conversion that it can send to a computer in real-time...VIA USB!?!?!?!!? :OMG:
I just got my M-Audio Fast Track Ultra in the mail today and so far I'm liking it. I don't know why people in the reviews said the drivers weren't good with M-Audio. I didn't have a single problem.

They are pretty good. The control panel takes a few tries to understand. The signal flow chart for example, I wish you could just click and drag to make your I/O connections.

The only problem I have with them is they don't like when you zap em with static electricity, something I do a dozen times a day at work by accident.

It has the portable option too, running bus powered 2x2, nice feature IMO.
Wait wait wait - jex, you're saying this Edirol has 16 independent channels of A/D conversion that it can send to a computer in real-time...VIA USB!?!?!?!!? :OMG:

The Alesis MultiMix 16 apparently can pull this off, too.

But I have no idea if the pres are worth shit...
Or converters for that matter - still, that's ridiculous, I definitely didn't think USB's packet medium of transfer could handle it!
Recommended it to a friend who wanted something like my Duet for PC. I found it compares very favorably to the Apogee. Clean, clear pres and excellent conversion.