Best Vocals Around Here!


Jul 8, 2010

No, really not. Had a hard time trying to make them fit in this ''15 yo metalcore'' song. Mix clips somewhere near the end (or more :lol:) but it's pretty much final. Tracked really sloppy with fairly old thin strings :erk: .

-Drums are S2.0 (MF) with my own kick sample + two snare samples blended togheter
-Guitars are TSE808 + X50 (great plugin Onquel btw) + EQ
-Bass is two tracks BOD + Ampeg + Comp + EQ (low) and 1 distorted track + EQ (grit) both tracks sent to a multiband comp.
-Vocals are.... crap :lol: Roland if I remember + Comp + EQ + Saturation + 'Verb

Master chain is : EQ + GClip + Comp + GClip + Limiter.

I know there's some nasty peaks (kick/bass). Also, we only had the time to single track the vocals and a few layers here and there so that's why they're so weak without mentioning his timing issue ... (Ignore the shitty reverb effect at the end, the band wants it that way :rolleyes:)

So here it is, as I said is pretty much final but I'm open for constructive comments/tips and feedback :)

no vocals :
with vocals :
Thanks man ! In fact the vocals level is ok, it's just his screaming technique that makes my mix feeling ackward :lol: If you would like it I can post the mix without the annoying vocals.
Glad you're trolling dude haha, those vocals... ._.
Awesome mix by the way, and it's really thick too!
Thanks for posting the instrumental version by the way.
No problem Shawnn ! Thanks for the feedback. Damn vocals, wish I could have some deals in the future with good vocalists :( Btw your ''Metal and Dubstep'' track is far beyond awesome !
Well, actually I did my best to make them sound ok. It's NOT my vocals and as I said before, the level was ok, actually loud. I speak louder than he screams so I can't really do miracles..
I don't think the vocals are that bad. At times they're kinda good and fit the music. But i know the feeling. Our vocalist has a low volume technique aswell. But I don't care since it sounds really good to me.
You've shown me those dry vocals on facebook a week ago or so, you've made some miracles with this pure shit XD Good job on the mix, not a fan of the kick. If the guitars would have been tracked with newer strings and a proper instrument, I'm pretty sure it would have got out REAL solid. Nice turd polishing job you did man, after what I've heard earlier! ;)
Thanks Folkrav, I had a hard time with those vocals but I think it came out decent. Anyone else? I would like some input about the mix and the levels, etc :)