Best way to add a 500 rack to my setup?


May 23, 2005
St Louis
Was wanting to jump on the 500 series bandwagon and get a rack and some pre-amps. Thing is right now I have a 2 saffire pro 40 setup. Only way I see of doing it is ditch the pro 40 setup and get a converter to run the outputs to (too much $$ right now) or possibly just run the outs of the 500 to mic/line ins on the pro 40. Obviously then I am still getting color from the pro40 even if it's at 0 and just taking the signal from the 500, but is that ruining whatever the pre in the 500 will send too much to be worth it? Or is there some way to go about this I am not seeing?
I bet the saffire pres are fairly neutral, you'll get a lot more color and character still hitting the 500 first. You can update converters later if really needed.
Oh, yeah. That'll be fine. Unless you're getting into super expensive Burl converter territory, I think the saffire should be totally fine as a converter. Make sure you're sending the 500 signal into the line in on the saffire and you'll be good to go.
Yeah if you're sending it into the line input of the sapphire, all it's doing is converting. You won't notice much of a difference these days until you step up to an apollo or apogee or something. Just get your 500 and some cool pres for your application and have fun, go into the LINE level inputs.