Best way to add a pad before a Saffire PRO 24 input signal?

AD Chaos

Aug 3, 2009
Hey dudes

Other than building your own, what would be the cheapest or most practical way to put an external pad before the input signal of a Saffire 24, for signals that are too hot/clipping?
I don't have a Saffire myself, but someone has been asking me what to get or what to buy; of course that would have to be something cheaper than the interface itself, but that gets the job done all the same.

The Pro 24 has a phantom power, but no pads (as far as I can tell):


Whereas say the Saffire 6 USB does:


Thanks much for your advice.
6 USB has lower maximum input level even with pad, +7 dbu vs +8 dbu on Pro 24.
"• Maximum Input Level min gain no pad +8dBu"
"• Maximum Input Level for 0 dBFS (minimum gain, no pad): -3 dBu
• Maximum Input Level for 0 dBFS (maximum gain, no pad): -53 dBu
• Maximum Input Level for 0 dBFS (minimum gain, with pad): +7 dBu"

As for input level M-Audio C400 can be somewhat better variant.

Simple way to pad input is to make some sort of adapter (or wire in jack of guitar cable) with resistor and capacitor.
If interface have 1 M impedance, then 1 M with 220p capacitor, this will be about 6 db reduction, without capacitor highs will be dampened.
Some sort of test arangement:
Thanks much deLuther!
The person asked specifically for something to buy, so I was thinking of recommending some cheapo direct box with an attenuation pad (not sure which would be best, though).

I'm going to pass along this information you're giving me, doesn't seem much complex, however not sure if the guy asking me has much idea as to put an adapter together..