Best way to die

Cut the wrists in a warm bathtub, so you dont feel the cold as the veins stop functioning as "heat pipes" when the blood runs out of the body...
Or with a gun... only dont shoot in the forehead, you wont die then, better shoot in the back of the head, where the important functions are located
grim as in i dont like the subject of death and i dont like the idea of dying im happy being alive.... well most of the time anyway hehehe :)
I think everyone gets depressed and wants to die every now and then.... what wierds me out is those gothic people who say death is good and i want to die.... aauugghhh... if they love death they need to go ahead and kill themselves so i dont have to hear their depressing views and shit :lol: yeah thats mean i know but.... damn it :lol:
Yeah dudez, of course the best way is while having sex......are we fucking metal guys or what....hehehe

"To die in your sleep" is only for whimps and posers hahaha

BTW I HATE people going around "I want to kill my self"...these guys are for me real fuckers with personality disorder trait! If I want to commit suicide I just DO IT! They always want to have recognition, nothing else...and with suicide you shouldn't make jokes....