Best way to make master cd


Jul 18, 2009
So all the tracks are mixed for our new album...

I just want to know the best way to burn the cd for duplicating, just burn the wavs onto the cd (as an audio cd) with any old program at a low speed?
The best way is to not fuck around with trying to master your own cd and send it off to a mastering studio. The cheapest way to do it is to fuck around and try to master your own cd.
Ah well I don't mean, master it, I mean a "master" CD for them to duplicate. The tracks are already mixed/mastered etc.

Maybe my phrasing was wrong.

I just burned it at a low speed, made sure it worked properly in multiple players and didn't have any errors..
I could be wrong, but if you use something like CD Architect where you can tuck and tail if needed, and put in the right time gaps between songs, and then burn to redbook standard, then that should be all you need. If you've done that, I think you're good.

It's not a bad idea to check with the duplication company to make sure.
Every time I've left a mastering house I've been given "listening" copies and "master" copies for duplication. The point is, if someone mastered it you should have a master.
probably someone has mastered it who isnt a mastering house??

but its no prolem do it your own... wav files are fine.. its important that these wav files are in 16bit 44.1KHZ, that is necessary for an audio cd, many burning programm could convert, but i would not trust that..

it has to be redbook standard, most programms can do it, i use nero for it.. worked everytime smoothly for me
1) use quality cdr, not the unlabeled cheap ones...
2) setup all the tracks in the programm as you like it, (CD Text, etc..) dont forget to setup the gaps between the tracks, for example in nero its set to 2 seconds..
3) burn at slowest possible speed
4) burn twice and send 2 copies to the manufacturing plant
one labeld with "CD-Audio Master" and the other one "CD-Audio Master Duplicate Backup Copy),
5) be careful you dont get any scratches or fingerprints on your cds
6) give both cds into a good packaging (Jewelcase, DVD Case..) etc

listen through the new master cd completly on you stereo, take special notice on the gaps between the tracks... usually, everything should be fine

and yes, avoid overlenght of more then 77minutes.. its possible that you make a cd like that, but then its not standard anymore and you dont have the guarantee that every cd-player can read it.
Ah no well we did it ourselves, the band. We're just two guys with not a load of money so it was easiest that way. Good to know I've done the right thing though, and some tips for next time..cheers guys.
You've missed a few major parts of mastering then

1- Someone else's experienced ears
2- Mastering all songs at once as an album

Wave Lab and Wave Burner (the two most commonly used Mastering programs) both have excellent CD creation functions.
Can anyone recommend a good "metal" mastering studio/engineer in the UK(i am living in Sweden but rest of band is in UK)? i want to get my project mastered to red book std etc...