best wilson interview

It's a matter of opinion. I think he's lacking range and his voice tone isn't the greatest either, in other words I don't consider him a talented singer.

But he does a good job anyway using his voice to work with the music the best he can. I just don't consider him a good singer, but I don't dislike his singing either.

I have to agree with you too.. He can make do with what hes working with pretty well :)
you probably got me wrong, steven is probably my favourite musician of all time and i love his singing, i just said that it's not technically very impressive.

Steven's probably my #1 musical hero these days, too. While I do agree that no one will ever confuse him for say Ray Gillen or Steve Perry, can you imagine anyone else singing for Porcupine Tree?! Me either! What he may lack in range, he more than makes up for in feel and delivery, not unlike his guitar playing.

Steven's true genius lies in his talents as a composer and producer, areas in which he has precious few peers!
Nar not the SW Cover Version 4 or 5 or whatever he is up to, his full length first solo album. Which he is currently writing, and was hoping to release it this year, but I read somewhere he doesn't expect it to be released until early next year.

That should be good.
Do you know if he's taking a more ambient approach for this album rather than the progressive/pop sound of PT and Blackfield? I would not be complaining if he did...