Best-Worst Music Video Clip


Sep 12, 2003
Here you can share with us,a music video clip that you like,or being impressed of it's scenario,effects,etc
or simply a music video clip that is "bad" for our eyes:lol:

The best video I have ever seen, because of it's scenario till now,is APOCALYPTICA - PATH :worship:
It shows the group members performing with their instruments ,in a comparison with themselves
that are appeared against them as shadows, performing the same music.
Well, we're talking about Metal/Rock clips, right!? Other wise I have tons of other ideas what's my choice being the worst clip :p

One of my faves: TOOL - STINKFIST

Worst: All those old Blackmetal clips...
_Dark funeral - Secrets of the black arts,
_Satyricon - Mother north or
_Astaroth - Buch der Weisheit (does anyone remember this one...REALLY funny stuff :D )
Well, we're talking about Metal/Rock clips, right!? Other wise I have tons of other ideas what's my choice being the worst clip :p

One of my faves: TOOL - STINKFIST

Worst: All those old Blackmetal clips...

_Dark funeral - Secrets of the black arts,
_Satyricon - Mother north or
_Astaroth - Buch der Weisheit (does anyone remember this one...REALLY funny stuff :D )
i don't watch many metal video clips so my list is very narrow
but the worst video i watched was "rain of a thousand flame" from rhapsody. it's awfully funny i think :)
from the few videos that i watched, i can count "mr. sandman" from blind guardian. i also like most evanescence videos, especially "my immortal". (i know they are not metal, they are rock, ok, don't be angry true metalheads :) )
Bathory's 'One Rode To Asa Bay' is a great video! Also Iron Maiden's 'Aces High'.

Rhapsody's clips, unlike Rhapsody's first albums, definitely suck!
Best : (not a complete list, just a few off the top of my head)
Emperor - The Loss and Curse of Reverence
Bathory - One Rode to asa Bay
Amorphis - Black Winter Day
My Dying Bride - The Cry of Mankind

Mortiis, Necrophagia, arckanum, rhapsody, blind guardian and any song that is supposed to have a concept and either a) generically shows a band playing with no/cheap special effects b) follows some story but has nothing to do with the concept of the song c) is just plain bad!
best video :
PANTERA >>> cemetary gates ( the idea is in the song )
sepultura >>> war for territory
iced earth >>> when the eagle cries
metallica >> harvester of sorrow- live in russia :Spin: :D

worst ..well i chare roulas opinion ..necrophegia video :
blood freak & cannibal holocost ... :ill: :yuk:
While i hate Sentenced, i like their videos. They succeed more in creating a really sad atmosphere, than their crappy music.
Anyway my fav is Bathory - One Rode To Asa Bay
and the worst is any COF video
worst video?

Immortal - the one that he wears a witch hat in and all they do is wander around a forest and randomly pose and fire breath. Can't remember the song's early immortal though. Great band..shitty shitty video.

Best video? hmmmm...I still really dig MEtallica's "one" video..that's pretty awesome. The most recent videos..I probably like DArkane's "Innocence Gone" and Dimmu Borgir's afformentioned video a lot.
best video these days is bit new ...welll i guess i like the video for the song is great ...wish i had an angel >>> nightwish
worst video ...welll i donno i guess scars of the crucifix >>> deicide ...
i dont know the song dont fits the video s idea ..